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"How annoying! How come Dan's stupid Bakugan ball talks and you don't?! Well, how come?!" Runo yelled angrily at the Hoas Bakugan ball in her hand, Tiana walking by her side through the park, on their way to school.

"Runo, I don't think it's going to talk," Tiana said, pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance over her friend's complaints.

"Come on, if you're inside there, at least say something," Runo continued, ignoring Tiana and poking the ball as if it would make it talk. "Pretty please, with sugar. Say something!"

"Runo, I swear..."

Tiana was interrupted by a strong wind that blew through the park, rustling the leaves on the trees and causing the swings to sway back and forth.

Tiana and Runo looked around confused. "What's going on?"

The two girls spotted a strange guy standing with his back facing them a little way away, not saying anything.

"Where did you come from?" Runo questioned. The guy only raised a Bakugan card. "A Battle Brawler. Are you challenging me to a battle? 'Cause if you are, let's get this party started!"

"Runo are you sure about this? This guy rubs me the wrong way," Tiana warned, only for Runo to shrug off her words.

"I can handle him."

She pulled out her own card. "Didn't catch your name."

"I never said it," the guy replied, his voice low. "Call me Masquerade."

With that, they flipped over their cards, causing the world to freeze around them, along with a worried looking Tiana.


"FINALLY!" Runo yelled at Dan when he had logged on, causing him to fall over in his seat once again. "I HOPE YOU REALIZE THAT IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT THAY I LOST A BAKUGAN BATTLE TODAY!"

"Come on, Runo. Give me a break, would ya?" Dan said as he came back up. "What are you talking about?"

"This creep Masquerade came along and totally clobbered me!"

"He's been winning battles all over the world," Marucho informed the group.

"Not to mention every Chat Room I checked is full of kids talking about Masquerade," Alice added.

"So, what's his deal?" Dan questioned.

"Every kid I've asked that's heard of him, has no idea who he is or where he came from," Tiana stated.

"He's won every single battle he's been in and kids everywhere are losing their Bakugan like crazy. This is serious!" Julie informed.

"So, Runo, did he get yours?" Dan asked.

"Uh-huh. My precious Terrorclaw is gone for good."

"We have to do something, Dan!" Marucho exclaimed.

"Don't worry, guys. You can count on me!" Dan reassured. "If that dorkess comes anywhere near me looking for a battle, I'll win everyone's Bakugan back. Including you Terrorclaw, Runo." Dan stood up from his chair. "That masked moron is going down!"

"Awesome," Runo said.

"Oh, Dan. I wish I could just hug you!" Julie commented.

"Me too," Alice added.

"Why do I feel like there's a speech coming?" Tiana asked, knowing Dan all too well.

As if on cue, Dan took a step back from the computer screen, raising his fists to his side. "I don't care how good this Masquerade dude is! I'm going to put my own Bakugan on the line and show him!"

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