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Tiana has had enough! Over the past week, her mother had been sickeningly sweet to her and it was starting to annoy the teen. Her mother was hiding something and Tiana was going to find out what it was, one way or another.

That was what she kept repeating in her head as she snuck downstairs at 1:00AM, careful not to make a sound in the fear of waking her mother. She walked on the tips of her toes with a flashlight in her hand, walking into the kitchen where Tiana knew her mother had left her purse. She spotted it on the counter, putting down the flashlight so it would still provide light in order for her to search.


Tiana took a hold of her mother's phone and swiped the screen to unlock it, thankful that her mother didn't think to put a password on it.

"Okay, let's see who you've been talking to…"

Tiana tapped on the message icon, all of her mother's recent chats popping onto the screen. She scrolled through the chats until something caught her eye. 

"Who's Brandon?"

She clicked on the chat and started to skim through it.

"I've talked to my manager. You got the job!"

"That's amazing news! When do I start?"

"You ought to be in France by the end of the month, so you'll be able to start at the beginning of next month."

"I'll start packing! I just have to deal with my daughter first. She can be stubborn when she wants to be."

"Well, you know how teenagers are..."

Tiana stopped reading when the lights above her flicked on, causing her to squint her eyes before they adjusted.

"Tiana? What are you doing up at this late?" Her mother asked from behind her, her voice as sickeningly sweet as it had been before. This only made Tiana's blood boil because she finally knew the reason behind it.

"When were you going to tell me?" Tiana asked through clenched teeth.

"What are you talking about, honey?" Her mother asked innocently.

"When were you going to tell me that we're moving to France!" Tiana yelled as she turned to face her mother.

The smile instantly vanished from Caren's face when she saw her phone in her daughter's hand, a scowl replacing it.

"How dare you!-"

"How dare I?! I'm not the one who kept hidden the fact that we're moving to another damn country!" Tiana yelled outraged. Her mother looked taken back, her face falling for a split second before it hardened again.

"Don't talk to your mother that way! I am to be respected in this house. That means you do as I say without talking back. We are moving to France whether you like it or not!" Her mother said, her voice stern and demanding.

"My life is here in Wardington. You can't just expect me to just pack up and leave everything behind like some obedient little dog!"

"You are to do as your mother tells-"

"Stop calling yourself that!" The whole house fell quiet as Tiana's words echoed through the silence. Her mother stared at her with wide eyes, her mouth slightly ajar, not knowing what to say. Tiana could feel the tears stinging the back of her eyes but she tried her best to keep them at bay. "You have done nothing to deserve that title," she sneered, her voice low but still laced with venom as she glared daggers at the woman in front of her.

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