Ch.7 Tattoos & Scars

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A/N: This chapter is really short so I'm going to try and update tomorrow again but no promises.

The scars of your love remind me of us

They keep me thinking that we almost had it all

The scars of your love, they leave me breathless

I can't help feeling

We could have had it all

After the sound of Remy's retreating footsteps, the door to Maddox's bathroom creaked open as Ava stepped out.

Their eyes met and Maddox knew he had made the mistake of kissing her. The kiss wasn't supposed to happen, at least not now, not yet.

Ava's cheeks were flushed as she gazed at Maddox with bright violet eyes, unconsciously swiping her tongue over her pink plump lips.

Maddox groaned quietly before resuming the action of packing his bags. "You should go back upstairs."

Ava mustn't have heard him as she continued to stare at him. Maddox could practically see the wheels turning in her head and as long as the main conflict still stood, he couldn't let Ava verbalize the truth.

Ava moved across the room, her cold hands gently pressing against Maddox's chest, over his fast beating heart as she glanced up at him. Maddox stood still, his face emotionless. He should have pushed her away, avoided those beautiful lilac eyes that gazed at him with love just like they did years ago.

"Are we mates?" Ava whispered, searching Maddox's eyes for a honest answer he couldn't give her, -wouldn't give her.

Maddox could feel himself leaning in, but as soon as his lips brushed against hers he pulled back, gently pushing her away. "We can't do this. I can't do this."

Ava was emotional like her mother and as soon as Maddox had uttered the words, tears pooled in her eyes. She took a step back and wiped her rosy cheeks. "Maddox, please. I don't understand."

Would Maddox face the disappointment of his pack members and the wrath of Remy? Was Maddox willing to put Ava in the danger of being a luna.

And would Ava finally realize that her Sebastian didn't have the connection, she yearned for? When would she admit to herself that all men, other than Maddox were just replacements for the man she truly loved.

"It was a mistake. We should have never kissed." Maddox lied, but his heart couldn't. He yearned to have Ava in his arms again, to kiss her, to confess their true bond.

Ava slapped Maddox across the face, after seeing the regret on his face (or at least the pretense of regret). Her hand shaky, as she trembled with unknown anger. "Don't ever kiss me again!"

She left Maddox's bedroom in a hurry, tears streaming down her face. The realization of their actions hit her like a storm. Maddox regretted kissing her. He didn't want her. He marked her off as a simple mistake.

Not only that, but Ava cheated on her boyfriend. She was a cheating girlfriend, seeking the touch from a man who couldn't have cared less about her. Why was she even craving another mans touch when she had a sweet and caring boyfriend.

That night Ava watched Maddox drive away from the cabin, before slipping back into bed next to Sebastian. He lazily draped his arm over her small waist, pressing their bodies together as he continued to sleep. Ava on the other hand, couldn't get a once of sleep knowing she was bound to lose another man in her life as soon as the sun rose.


"Alpha Dario has set the meeting for noon. He has set up a bedroom for you to sleep. We weren't expecting someone to come so soon." Kale, the beta informed Maddox, leading him to one of the guest bedrooms.

"Thanks, I'll see you at noon." Maddox said gruffly, as he rudely dismissed the beta with his words.

The beta growled lowly, but left Maddox to himself, shutting the bedroom door after himself.

The slam of the door triggered one of many flashbacks, throwing Maddox into the past.

The young man quickly pulled up his boxers, before throwing himself on the bed. It was the third time since he had left his family and slowly Maddox was getting irritated.

Was it true that women were more focused on the looks than what lay beneath, because it sure did seem so.

Three women had been willing to sleep with Maddox, but the moment his scars were visible they avoided him like he was the plague. Not even the girl he considered his girlfriend, wanted him after the knowledge of his scars.

It had been sixteen years since the fateful night he was introduced to the powerful assault of silver laced whips and black magic. Even with the passed decade the scars still looked just a few months old, gruesome and jagged. They covered his upper thighs, stomach, chest and his whole back.

No girl wanted to see that.

The next morning Maddox found himself in the back room of a tattoo parlor, ready for his first patch of tasteful ink. Tattoos would never fully hide his scars, but they'd add another layer, a taller wall, to keep the memories contained and give him a small sense of normality.


I hope you enjoyed the short chapter and please vote and comment like last time. I wasn't expecting so many comments but I was really surprised and happy. The comments give me motivation!

A lot of you don't understand Maddox's hesitation and why he keeps telling everybody Ava has Sebastian, but he's just stating the truth. He's lost so much in the past and he feels like choosing one (Ava) will force him to loose the other (His pack, his position, Ava's safety).

Best feedback gets a dedication!!

Weird fact: I love wearing shapeless clothes. My family and friends tell me I dress like a 80 year old woman.


Preview for the next chapter:

"It was the night before she died. She told me that Maddox could be her prince. She wanted him to be her prince. You used to have the same dream Ava.
It's okay to want the fairytale love story, but don't lead Sebastian on if you know he's not your prince. Listen to your heart and not to the comfort of regularity you get from being with Sebastian. If you truly think he's your mate than we'll support you. But remember that every choice you make, effects not just you but Sebastian too. You are in a relationship with him and only him. Do not get involved with Maddox, if you are still dating Sebastian. I don't want you kissing two guys. Choose one or neither, because you can't have both."

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