Chapter 3

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Narira's heart pulsed with nervousness as she sat outside the arena. The sky was clear but the air was cool, perfect for a duel, but even good weather couldn't shake her apprehension. Ringing came echoing out of the arena as swords met inside of it, a constant reminder of what she was going to do.

Suddenly, the sounds stopped. She heard a voice announcing something, but she couldn't make out the words. Then a shout of anger came bursting through the stone walls. Someone failed the assessment, she thought with a wince.

A messenger ran out of the arena. He called a name, and a boy stood shakily. He picked up his rapier, then followed the messenger into the arena.

Narira glanced around, realizing with dread that she was next in line. Reaching out to touch the knuckle guard of her rapier, she noticed that her hand was shaking. No! she told herself firmly. You can't shake. Not now. Be confident! She rolled her shoulders back and sat up straighter, but the nervousness still plagued her.

The announcer's voice became audible again, and she had to breath excessively slowly to not completely freeze. All too soon, the messenger was there again. "Narira," he said in a bored voice.

She nodded and rose to her feet, grabbing her rapier. It was an older weapon, bearing signs of use but still very functional. Still, she wished for a newer blade that could impress the judges.

A boy around the age of 20 already stood in the field. "Dirho, age 19, fighting Narira, age 14." The announcer's voice rang loudly through the arena. "Contestants, you may begin!"

Narira brought her rapier up in a traditional stance, held loosely in her left hand while her right arm was bent back and above her head. Her arm was extended more than it would have been in a usual stance, but her posture was meant to prevent her opponent from getting near her while she tested him. She needed to know Dirho's style before she could be sure of her movements.

Starting slowly, Narira made a few experimental swipes. Her heart pounded painfully, and her breath came with quick bursts of nervous energy. She knew she was being too careful, but she couldn't fail her assessment.

Dirho easily parried her swipes, then returned his own. She made sure to block each one with precision, showing her skill to the judges. Then she took her turn again, this time stepping into her attack. Dirho's eyes narrowed, and he increased his intensity as well. As they traded attacks, Narira felt her confidence grow, and she began moving more vigorously. Her opponent responded to each strike, giving his own in return, but she felt she was beginning to grasp his style. She swung her blade in a butterfly, trying to find any clues in his body language that would give her what she needed.

He jabbed for her side, and she finally caught it. Before attacking, his left foot -- the forward foot -- twisted outward slightly. Careful to keep her body language neutral, she allowed him another opening. Again, his leading foot twisted slightly in the grass before his rapier came at her.

Gradually, Narira began to push him backward. She was still careful, but she shifted her stance to a more offensive one. She didn't allow Dirho time for attacks, keeping her barrage swift.

When his next stroke came, she reached up to block before his sword had begun its arc. She smiled as his eyes widened. As their weapons met, a blinding light flashed in front of her. She yelped and stumbled backward, landing hard in the grass. Dazed, she looked up and saw Dirho lying on his back, gasping. Narira stared at her rapier in horror. It had never been beautiful, but now it was twisted and blackened. Sparing a glance at the judges, she saw frowns of confusion. Only one man didn't share the same look as the other judges. He had dark brown hair, unusually dark for a Malynrian, that came down to just below his eyebrows. When he brushed it back with a hand, Narira saw a look of excitement in his brown eyes. He almost seemed to be smiling.

Narira just continued to stand in the field, not sure what else to do. Her cheeks blazed with fiery embarrassment, but she didn't want to duck her head and show that she was afraid. Finally, the brown-haired judge stood and crossed the field toward her. He took her by the arm and led her out of the arena. She let out a few protests, but she didn't want to offend him, so she didn't try to fight back.

He escorted her around the side of the building, then stopped suddenly. "What's your name again?" he asked brusquely, turning to face her.

"Narira," she told him, pulling her arm away. "Do you... know what happened back there?"

"Yes. I'll tell you more, but right now you just need to know that you're part of a very rare group of people called electrovites -- energy wizards. We each have a store of energy that recharges overtime, and we can channel it into our bodies to become stronger, faster, etcetera... or we can shoot lightning." He smiled mischievously. "Most commoners have never heard of us, so it's no wonder the other judges were confused."

"I'm confused too! What should I do about this?"

The man smiled. "There aren't enough of us to really have a school or academy. Instead, we report any new electrovites to our council, who then assign them a trainer. However..." he paused for a moment before continuing. "You are already very powerful, to manage a blast of that size with your first experience."

"So...?" Narira prompted, excited but nervous at the same time.

"My name's Ceylis. I used to be on the council, and therefore I have rights to make some decisions without consulting them, including assigning trainers. And I've been looking for an apprentice."

He held out a hand, but she just stood there for a moment. Thoughts whirled through her head, mashing together in a tempest of confusion. An apprentice... "I have a family!" she protested, for lack of something better to say. "I can't just go into something like this without telling them!"

"Well, I'll introduce myself as your trainer. They knew you wanted one."


"But you didn't want magic?"

"Well, I mean, I do! I just wasn't planning on it, and-"

"You need a trainer, whether it's me or not, so you don't hurt someone by accident. And I'll make up a story for the other judges... I'm sure I'll figure something out."

She paused a moment longer. Then she took his hand and shook it firmly.

The Storm ApprenticeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon