Part 19

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"When the person you love can't see your love for them beneath the painful things you say when they reject you, remember this: Love is blind."

- Shannon L.Alder


I cleared my throat. Elizabeth looked away from me uncomfortably.

"I really shouldn't have told you that..." She said as she pulled on her hair more.

"How long were they together?" I asked.

At this point, I knew any answer would upset me, yet I dug further.

"I really think Emma should be the on-" she started to say but I cut her off. "Can you just answer the question?"

"I think it was about two years, maybe three." She quickly answered.

Damn, that's a long time.

At that moment everything clicked in my head. Emma's mom invited him here to get at me. What did she think would happen? No doubt, she thought him bring here would get between Emma and I somehow.

I care if he was here as long as I had Emma.

But Emma did leave me, to go see him...

"D-do you know why... they broke up?" I asked, my voice cracking halfway.

Elizabeth shook her head no.

"All I know is Emma was really upset that he would end things to suddenly after so long."


He ended things...

Does that mean Emma was upset because she still wanted to be with him? Is that why she left to quickly?

"I have to go find Emma." I said leaving the room quickly. I had no idea where I was going or where they went.

Each room I passed was full of unfamiliar faces.

How large was this house?

I felt like I had been walking around looking for Emma for a long time.

Finally, I spotted Emma's mom talking and laughing with a group of other women.

Maybe, it was the mix of fucking anger and panic or just plain stupidity but I walked over to her.

When her eyes landed on me she smirked, she seemed to smirk even more when she realized I was alone.

"What kind of game are you playing?" I asked her bluntly, careful to keep my voice down so the others around us wouldn't hear.

"The type of game I know I'll win." She said with a simple shrug.

Before I could reply she quickly added "I really didn't do much of anything, all I did was collect all the pieces and let them fall into place on there own." She said in a riddle.

What the heck? Why couldn't she just speak plain English?

She rolled her eyes sensing my confusion before gesturing towards the corner of the room.

I turned slowly, already knowing whatever I saw wouldn't be good.

In the corner of the room by a book, shelf stood Emma laughing with some tall guy with dark hair.

Her hand on his arm.

Nowhere in sight did I see Rebecca, Adam, or Devon.

I could feel panic swell in my chest but I wasn't sure how else to react or what to do.

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