Part 30

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"Nothing limits intelligence more than ignorance; nothing fosters ignorance more than one's own opinions; nothing strengthens opinions more than refusing to look at reality."

- Sheri S.Tepper


As I walked closer to Emma and Ashley I noticed Ian standing near them looking at another work in my collection.

As I walked closer to Emma and Ashley I noticed Ian standing near them looking at another work in my collection

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Ashley glanced over at me before quickly saying something and laughing. But, even from this distance, I could tell that whatever she just said Emma didn't find amusing.

"Emma!" I said as I put my arm around her waist. She quickly knocked my arm away.

"What were you guys just talking about?" I asked ignoring the fact Emma tried to push me away.

Ashley looked at me and smiled wide, her blue eyes glowing with mischief.

"Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head with, lover boy." She said placing her hand on my arm. I glanced down to see Emma frowning.

Her hand held her cane is a death grip so tight I'm surprised it hadn't broken yet.

"Yeah, nothing to worry your pretty little head," Emma said darkly as she copied Ashley's words.

"Your art looks just wonderful in this lighting. If only you could see it, Emma." Ashley said cruelly.

"What the f-" I started to say, but Emma cut me off when she suddenly elbowed me.

"How close are you and this girl?" Emma asked whispering to me as Ashley was distracted by something Ian was saying to her.

I glanced down at Emma to see her cheeks red in only I would imagine was anger or maybe jealousy.

Oh, how cute she's jealous.

"Not very-" I started to say, but Ashley cut me off.

"Don't lie. Daniel and I go way back. I should really thank Levi for introducing us that day. Imagine my surprise when I knocked on the door expecting some loser and this shirtless hottie opens it and invites me to sit on his lap." Ashley said as she laughed and wrapped her arms around my free arm tighter.

"I didn't invite you to sit on my lap." I quickly argued as I glanced down at Emma to see her face very calm. Ashley quickly pulled on my arm to get my attention before batting her eyes at me.

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