Chapter 5: Amelian

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Eleven figures jogged along the wall beyond the Observation tower Lieutenant Amelian now watched from. The bobbing heads of the young soldiers made a relieving counterpoint to the slow, thundering march of the still distant Giant beyond the wall.

Valen's half of her platoon, the other half of the soldiers under her command, were already gathered on the top of the tower, trying to avoid looking at the Golem. All of them were armed, had eaten recently, and seemed as fresh and ready as they ever had.

"I wish we had a Valkyrie. Even just one. I could do some real damage to it with round-shot," Mia complained, fidgeting with the Salamander strapped to her back.

"If every soldier in the army could shoot like you, Mia, we would," Valen said. Amelian grinned, almost laughing. The statement would be bravado for most. For Mia, it was making light of the corporal's skill.

"You'll get a chance at it, before too long," Amelian added.

"Yeah, four walls in. And I'll be taking orders from some fidgety major who thinks round-shot can't reach eight hundred yards. Give me a Valkyrie and a Crafter, and I could end this part of the invasion right here," Mia insisted.

Amelian stepped forward, and deliberately put herself between the Golem and her soldiers. She smiled a little, and set the butt of her Salamander against the ground, in time with the distant thunder of the Giant's march. "It feels like the time to give a speech. Something heartwarming and inspiring, like in the plays," she said.

The squad grew quiet. Ten faces gazed at Amelian, all of them solemn and attentive. Only Valen, unseen by anyone but her, grinned cheekily.

"To which I say 'eat ash'. The brave don't need encouragement," Amelian scathed. She didn't tell them it was even odds she would butcher a speech. "Private Mitchelson, upon sighting the enemy, what do we do?"

"Run like hell, and torch the land behind us," Mitchelson responded, to the appreciative laughter of the squad.

Below, a latch clicked, and almost a dozen pairs of boots started taking the stairs that led up to the observation loft of the tower. The other half of Amelian's platoon, lead by her junior sergeant Harold Reeves, streamed into the crowd seamlessly, met with quiet and polite greetings until they were all silent again.

"That's everyone. Good," Amelian said, nodding her head. "We have confirmed the incoming invasion, and can report the incursion point to our commanders further into the City. Our only duty now is to ensure we set the fires as late as possible. I will accomplish this with a small squad, while the rest of you will take the Cable Car to specialist Spendel at the comm relay station. Reeves, make sure Spendel sends every report he needs to, then get everyone to the next wall. Captain Olgen will have deployment orders if I am delayed."

She paused, breathing deeply, and continued, "Sergeant Valen, Corporal Vascel, Private Reese, and the mechanic Madelaine Soren will accompany me to the junction point, to redistribute the flow. Everyone else with Sergeant Reeves. Grab ammunition and provisions, and be prepared to go in five minutes."

The entire platoon saluted, in spurts, and began dispersing to collect anything they were missing. Amelian's junior sergeant, Harold Reeves, took the opportunity to have a quick word, striding through the crowd and cutting straight towards Amelian.

He looked nervous, but not inappropriately so. Amelain tried to smile reassuringly and wondered if it had any effect. "Lieutenant!" he said, loudly, saluting again. She returned it and noticed Valen stepping close by.

Reeves was roughly six months younger than her and was three spots behind her in the recruitment line. Her commission was a source of chagrin for him, one that had taken almost three mugs of mead to smooth over.

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