Epilogue: Gerald

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The invasion lasted another three weeks. To the surprise and delight of most of the City, the remaining Golems withdrew after two-thirds of their number had been destroyed. Of the creatures of flame commanding the assault, very little had been seen since the Dragon fell into the waters of the Channel.

The invasion claimed over eleven thousand souls, at the final tally. Over two-thirds of those were casualties of the Dragon Chase, as the Dragon's wrath had slagged buildings and devastated a sizeable portion of Central. Nearly a quarter of the City's farmland was held by the Gloam, and even essential foodstuffs were strictly monitored to prevent waste or starvation.

It was the least damaging invasion in the City's history. Despite the shortage of non-essential foods, a period of celebration was announced once the last breach in the wall was closed with fire.

Three days into the City's jubilation, a base was laid for a statue to commemorate the creator of the Airships, slayer of the beast called the 'Dragon', Crafter Tabitha a'Loria. The mason in charge of the project was unable to explain why the inscription only read 'You're Welcome'.

In the midst of the celebration her cremation was relatively poorly attended. Only the crews of the Fury of the Dawn, and the Midnight Songbird, along with roughly a dozen others, were in attendance.

To Gerald's left, silent and respectful, stood newly promoted second lieutenant Harold Reeves, and Captain Amelian Rustov. Behind him, nearly a third of his crew had received promotions, including Mia and Spendel, who ranked as sergeants while maintaining specialist status.

It was well earned. The Songbird's soldiers and gunners had over half a dozen golem kills to their tally, without counting the near-miraculous destruction of the Golem at the last wall.

Their promotions had come without fanfare; stuffed in a supply crate full of food. Reeve's new sword was used to keep the perishables cool.

Gerald's thumb rested on the new pommel for his sword; a small bird resting on a crescent moon, with two bars running through it. Benden decided, a few days after the Golems withdrew from the walls, that ship officers should be distinguishable from regular army officers.

Asides from the crew of the Songbird, both the surviving and current crew of the Fury of the Dawn were in attendance. He could feel both Maxwell and the new Lieutenant, as both of them wore officer swords bearing the unique insignia of the Fury.

Standing with Maxwell was a Crafter Gerald didn't recognize, but judging by his presence among the crew of the Fury, standing just behind the old engineer, he was probably the Crafter assigned to handle the Fury's lift bag.

Gerald's eyes lingered on the silent forms of the other three Crafters in attendance: Coraline Estefan, Theo Ratterson, and Brenda Thael. Asides from Coraline, he had never met any of his master's former apprentices and knew them only by their reputations as some of the greatest of the City's Crafters.

It occurred to him that he was his master's first and only failure.

Oddly enough, Agrias Sunbane was in attendance, standing well away from the others with only Mathias for company. Both of them were wearing old, faded, loose-fitting clothes with the telltale sheen of a heat-resistant chemical wash, and were carrying crossbows.

At first, Gerald thought it was the presence of four Combat Crafters, but something about their bearing and the choice of their gear suggested his assumption was a mistake.

"Truth is complicated. That's why we make assumptions," Gerald remembered, recalling something his master had said, years ago.

"What?" Lucille asked, from where she stood. To his right, and half a step behind. Just outside of his peripheral vision, just inside of arms reach.

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