Chapter 11

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     After several hours of my mother regaling Nova with tales from my youth, I finally managed to get my parents out the front door. Nova barely had a chance to get dressed in some pants before breakfast, and it's been non stop talking ever since.

     I'll admit, I love watching her with my parents. I love watching her laugh, even when it's at my expense, and settle into a relationship with them. I love that she's getting the opportunity to have a normal parental relationship after all these years of fear.

     But I'm also a little jealous. No one told me that I would feel jealous of every other person that claims my soulmates attention away from me. If Sawyer were to find out, which I'm sure he will, he would work it against me every chance he had just for a laugh.

     After locking the door behind my parents, I go to look for my Novalee. I search all of the first floor, but don't find her anywhere. I take the stairs two at a time and try not to look flustered as I walk into our bedroom.

     Her duffle bag is open on the bed, and I see her just as she enters the closet with an armful of clothes. A smile breaks its way onto my face as I go and lay on the bed to watch her settle in. It seems like all I do now is smile. As soon as she hopped in my car and grabbed my hand, it's like my entire universe just burst into sunshine and music.

     Nova comes back out a minute later, and jumps slightly when she sees me on the bed, staring at her with what I am sure is a dumb, lovestruck look.

"Don't scare me like that, Deacon." She scolds, as she climbs up onto my lap. She situates her legs on either side of my hips and then lays her head on my chest, closing her eyes as she does so.

"What are you doing?" I speak softly so as not to startle her again, and because I don't want her to think she has to move.

"Listening to your heartbeat." She replies just as softly. "It's beautiful."

"How can a heartbeat be beautiful? It's the same as everyone else's." I run my fingers through her hair and wrap my other arm loosely around her waist. Warmth floods my chest as she purrs low in her throat in contentment.

"It's beautiful because it's yours. You know, I'm pretty sure I would agree to almost anything you said if you promised to never stop doing that to my hair." Her words begin to slur as I feel her relax more deeply into my chest.

"Anything huh?" I tease mischievously.

"Almost. I said almost."

I chuckle and continue to play with her long, thick hair. As she falls asleep, I roll us to the side and pull her back into my chest. Nova snuggles into my hold, and soon enough I'm falling asleep along with her.



I don't think I'll ever get tired of waking up to Deacon's arms around my waist and breath on my neck. I keep my eyes closed and take everything in. As I'm noting the warmth of his body seeping into mine, I notice that I'm warm everywhere. My eyebrows furrow, and a deep chuckle coming from in front of me makes my eyes shoot open.

     Laying directly in front of me is a man about Deacons age with dark red hair and bright blue eyes. His face is undeniably handsome, but I can't help but compare him to Deacon. I shrink back into Deacon's chest, even as I try not to be afraid. I know it has to be Deacon's friend, but even with that thought in my head my brain just screams 'danger!' at the sight of another man. I hate it, I don't want to be afraid of every man I meet.

"You must be Sawyer." I manage to squeak out, and he smiles wider.

"That I am. And you are Novalee. I'm quite pleased that Deak has finally got another red head in his life. We are a dying breed you know." He chuckles again, but I don't fully understand his comment.

"Not to be rude, but what are you doing in our bed?" I whisper, trying not to wake Deacon but I can feel his arms tighten around me.

"Well, I ran into Miss Marcie at King Soopers and she told me all about meeting you, and so I decided to run on over and meet you myself. Deak was supposed to text me when he got back into town with you, but I imagine the sap got to distracted staring at you to remember." He rolls his eyes dramatically.

"I'm not a sap. Being in love does not make a man weak or sappy." Deacon's sexy, sleep roughened voice rumbles over my head. I miss the next couple of minutes of conversation. I'm far to sidetracked by Deacon's words. He said he was in love. Even I am not so self deprecating that I can't realize that he's talking about me.

     I smile as I replay the words in my head. I've only physically known him for three days, but it feels like so much longer. Already I can't imagine not having him in my life. I'm absolutely, one hundred percent in love with Deacon Callahan, and I don't even know everything about him yet.

     It's an odd feeling, being in love with someone who is both the center of your universe and a total stranger. I can't help but wonder if this is how everyone feels when they meet their soulmate. Is this normal? Is this actually love? Or is this just hormones and a mixture of gratitude and desperation for safety? How am I supposed to tell the difference?

     I decide not to think too much on it right now. Right now, I'm going to focus on all the cracked out butterflies assaulting my stomach as he strokes my arm. I'm going to focus on how my entire body tingles when he laughs, and how he always seems to need to touch or kiss me. As if he needs to assure himself that I'm here and real.

     Maybe I'll ask his mom about all this when we have our girls day out. I'm not entirely sure, but I think that's something a daughter could ask her mother, and Marcie did say that I should treat her as my own. I just hope I don't offend the poor woman.

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