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Four years later


"Drive faster Dad!" I yell to the front seat as I hold Nova's hand. We both squeeze as another contraction hits.

My entire midsection squeezes incredibly tight, and a huge pressure erupts in my lower back. I'm close to tears, but somehow Nova manages to get by with a huge deep breath and a strange, animalistic growl.

"How in the hell are you taking this so well?! I've got it second hand and I want to die!" I try to stay calm for her, after all, she is the one actually giving birth.

"I actually paid attention during that birthing seminar." She grins cheekily before stroking my hand. "Just breathe through it, ok? Don't tense up, keep yourself as relaxed as possible. And if you need to, make noise. Yell, growl, sing, whatever." Nova closes her eyes as another contraction starts.

     I grip her hand tightly and try to follow her instructions, it helps some, but I find myself growling right along with her when the pressure increases exponentially.

"Hurry up, grandpa. I really don't want to ruin your upholstery." Nova groans as the next contraction starts seconds after the last one ends. My father smiles like a lunatic as he weaves through traffic. He warned me that it would be bad, he told me I should have pushed for a scheduled induction so we could get drugs. But I just couldn't listen. Oh no, I had to go natural and enjoy the great bonding experience of childbirth.

     Nova bursts out laughing in the middle of the contraction and I realize I've been saying all of this out loud.

"Come on, it's not that bad you big baby!" My eyes grow large as she suddenly sits up on her knees and grabs on to the head rest in front of us. "Oh crap, oh crap, crap. Here it comes!"

     I quickly turn on my seat to face her and tear her underwear away to make way for the baby. The pain reaches its highest point, and I groan along with Nova as I reach down and cup my hand around the mass of dark curls emerging from her body. One last strong contraction and suddenly our baby slides into my hands.

     It's incredible. Nova sits back and laughs breathlessly as tears of happiness stream down her face.

"Deacon, is it a boy or girl?" My mother pipes up from the front seat quietly looking on with bright eyes.

     I stare at my baby for a moment. Dark curls like mine and what looks like blue eyes, but who knows. I hope they  don't change, they look just like Nova's. I pull out child away from my chest and look down.

"It's a girl!" I look at Nova and smile until my cheeks hurt. Her cheeks are flushed and her hair is falling from the bun she was wearing on our lunch date. She's never been more beautiful to me.

     I carefully place our daughter on her chest and watch in amazement as she instantly settles in to her mothers chest. Novalee strokes her curls and kisses her forehead, taking in a deep breath of her new baby smell. I scoot closer to her side, ignoring the mess on the seat, I need a shower anyways.

     With one arm wrapped around my girls, I kiss my amazing wife and stare down at my perfect family. I have never felt this proud in my life, and I finally understand what my father has been talking about all my life.


     We made it to the hospital 15 minutes after our daughter was born. They wheeled us in together and took us to a delivery room to take care of the rest of the birthing process and get her weighed and measured, then let us rest before we would leave for a recovery room.

"So, I promised you if it was a girl that you could name her. What have you got Mr. Callahan?" Deacon sighs and lays his head on my shoulder from his usual seat behind me. I lean back into his chest as we both stare down at our daughter sleeping on my chest. Her chubby cheeks and tiny fists are almost too much for me to handle, and even after the exhausting time of giving birth, I feel like I'm bursting with energy.

"Blair Amaris Callahan." Deacon murmurs softly, bringing his large hand up to stroke her face. She yawns and my heart nearly explodes from the cuteness.

"Blair. I like it." The smile just can't seem to leave my face as I look up at my husbands handsome face.

"Well that's good, because I already put it on her birth certificate." His green eyes twinkle mischievously and I can't help but laugh.

"You're such a dork." I tilt my face up to kiss him, and he easily follows suit.

"Yeah, but I'm your dork." He smiles against my lips and I just kiss him and roll my eyes.

Ok! That's it! I'm done!! I'm in the mood for cheesily happy endings so that's what y'all are getting!! 😂

I just wanted to say thank you to every one who has read, voted, commented, and added this book to their reading lists. Y'ALL ARE AWESOME SAUCE! And a special thank you to the following for all of the encouragement and ideas!

You guys are the best!!

Love love!! See you in the next book! 😘

Beautiful PainTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon