Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 - Revealed Secrets

Have you ever woken up to the sound of an earthquake happening? No? Well, I just did.

My eyes snap open and I jolt up, only to slam back into the bed with a groan. We had decided to take a nap whilst Vulcan drives to the motel but, I had barely slept thinking about how angry he's going to be once he sees me. I had also been thinking of excuses I could say to justify myself. Raising my head, I see Caia sleeping horizontally on my body with Nikolai's feet on her back as he sleeps at the end of the bed. Confused at where the noise came from, I look around to meet complete black eyes that flash red once they land on me.

My jaw drops when I notice the broken door on the ground, pieces of plaster crumbling from the walls. I am so not paying for that, I think to myself.

"Oh, you are so screwed!" Indigo laughs with glee as he steps over a large chunk that has broken out of the wall.

I look back to Vulcan, whose features are tense with fists clenched tightly and form shaking as he stands there. I don't move to get up, not because I don't want to but because I simply can't. The air has become heavy and thick and I don't want Vulcan exploding the second I talk. So, I stay quiet, snickering when Indigo slaps Nikolai awake from his sleep and shoves him off the bed. Caia wakes up above me with a start and looks around, smiling sheepishly when she realizes that I had been a pillow for her nap.

I smile back at her as she lifts herself off me. I'm about to get up when I'm pulled and my back slams into a chest. Tingles erupt on my skin and a pleasant feeling grows in my stomach as Vulcan nuzzles his nose into the crook of my neck. My eyes instantly close and relish in how warm he is. That's another unusual thing about him, his temperature always seems constant. I, however, am freezing in the dress I wore to school, my bare legs don't do much to warm me up like he does.

Suddenly, I'm being carried bridal style out of the now broken doorway. I see Caia grab my backpack and the bag of food whilst Nikolai rubs his eyes sleepily, grabbing the other plastic bag. Pushing myself up and over his shoulder, I signal to Caia for my bag but before I can grab it Vulcan pulls my body back and wraps my legs around his waist. He skims his nose along the curve of my neck, breathing deeply as his arms tighten across my back.

"I uh...I can walk you know." I mumble, pushing on his chest to let me down. He pulls me back into his chest with a stern look, his arms encasing my body once more. 

"Vulcan, I'm wearing a dress. Put me down." I whisper to him, watching his eyes change back to a dark green.

"No!" He growls back, pulling my head to his chest.

"Vulcan," I whine, swatting his hand away and struggling to break free from his grasp. "I don't want to flash anyone."

He snarls loudly making me jump in surprise, his eyes flash red as he grabs my coat from Indigo and wraps it around me. Making sure I'm covered, I tighten my legs around his waist and snuggle into his chest reluctantly with a defeated sigh. Why won't he put me down? I wonder, turning around to look at the others behind us.

Everyone walks down the stairs with me grinning at Indigo over Vulcan's shoulder. I unwrap my arms from his neck and poke the air near his head as if my hand is a needle. Moving my hands away, I pretend his head has exploded which makes everyone behind me chuckle, even the four, strange men dressed in all black.

"Aurora, stop it." Vulcan mutters, walking past reception.

"What did I do?" I pull back to face him with a pout before smiling sheepishly at the man who stands in shock at the table.

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