Chapter 43

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Chapter 43 – Bite Me

Vulcan Romanov's P.O.V.

We have run for three hours straight, Damon and I leading our warriors to just outside the border of Austin, Texas. After resting for two hours to gain energy, we set off again. No further have I taken two steps into the capital city, I can sense where Aurora is immediately. I'm filled with relief and we all climb into the cars waiting to take us to where they are keeping my mate.

Damon, Kaden, Indigo, my best tracker and I are in one car, the rest of our warriors following behind. I grow restless as we take turns and choose streets that seem to be taking me away from her, if I was in my beast form I would have been able to locate her quicker but the universal treaty prevents us from revealing ourselves to humans in populated areas.

Finally, after an hour of driving around, we travel down a street where I can sense her the strongest and I'm eventually able to pinpoint her familiar scent. The built-up area disappears behind us as we travel down a road, nothing but land at either side to keep us company. Matthew, my pack's tracker, is fiddling with a device that can look out ahead, farther than the eye can see.

And suddenly, he tells the driver to stop. The cars behind us all park in the deserted area we have driven up to, making me look around in confusion before turning to Matthew, who shows me a screen. There is nothing but an abandoned looking large house in the middle of nowhere.

"Every curtain in that house is closed and I just saw a human walking out of it in a maid's outfit." He zooms out before turning the screen to a petite woman walking down the street with a basket in her hands. Matthew zooms in on her neck and everyone can clearly see the fang marks where she has been bitten. "Our best bet to finding Luna Aurora is here, Alpha. There is nothing but road after this, that maid will eventually call a taxi to take her into the next town."

Nodding, I open my door and get out, gesturing for the waiting men to follow my actions. When everyone is surrounding me, I begin to reiterate the plan. I group the warriors into teams of five, instructing them on their points of attack whilst Matthew looks for any signs of a ground floor basement we can break into from the outside. After I'm done, I turn to him only to see him shake his head dejectedly.

"Absolutely nothing, Alpha."

Sighing, I nod before turning to everyone again. "We head out now. Nobody moves until I say so, wait for my command to attack."

I receive nods in reply before they start walking down the road which will lead us to the house. There is a thick forest right in front of it which turns out to be convenient for us to hide in while also giving us a view of any movements in the house. Damon and I are going to enter into the house and try to locate the basement where Aurora will be, while the four warriors accompanying us will fend off any vampires we will encounter. The rest will be entering in through windows and doors, killing any vampire that is around.

With our heightened hearing, mine and Indigo's being the strongest, we listen for movement, immediately hearing the tell-tale footsteps. I can smell their familiar scent of death, knowing Aurora is inside somewhere because only she possesses that unique scent of roses with a hint of spice. It's an addicting combination.

I memorize the rounds of patrol Andrei is having his guards carry out, waiting patiently for the right moment to strike. I know I can't rush this for Aurora will end up hurt. Everyone waits behind me tensely, with caution and apprehension evident in their stances. It doesn't take me long before I order them through our mind link, racing off through the forest and towards the main door with Damon and the warriors hot on my heels.

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