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"Well the day could have been worse", I told Daniella and closed the door to my old locker.

Daniella nodded. We hadn't had all our different courses yet, but we already noticed that this year was going to be a busy year studying for both of us. Daniella's chemistry class had already received the homework to read the first two chapters in the book, and my own history class had already gotten one big assignment that had to be turned in at the beginning of next week.

"Well speak for yourself", Christina exclaimed as she arrived next to us at our lockers. "My day was not that bad!"

"Well some of us actually had a normal school day, and had to actually sit in class. Not practicing and exercising the whole day", I shot back at her.

"For the record, we didn't have practice the whole day. We had two meetings. One about the upcoming season and one about us taking care of our health, making sure we stay fit for the upcoming games and eat the right amount and type of food. We have other responsibilities as well you know. We don't just run around with a football around or feet, passing the ball around the soccer field".

"Well, it was still more interesting than having one hour of history and two hours of extra chemistry!", Daniella exclaimed. "I don't even know why I have an extra course in chemistry! I don't even like it!"

"Well some of us have more luck the first day than the others, I guess", Christina giggled. "Are you guys taking the bus home or not? "

Daniella nodded, but I shook my head.

"No, I think I'm going to wait for my mom to come pick me up"

"Okay. Well Daniella, let's go. We have a bus to catch."

"I'll see you both tomorrow!"

It was already 3 o'clock and the school closed around five. I walked around the school halls on my way to the library. I knew that it hadn't closed yet and I still wanted to see if they had received some of the new books that I ordered before the end of last year. It might come to no surprise that I actually enjoyed reading, but it is only because I enjoyed it more to sit in front of the window on a rainy day with a book in my hand and a cup of tea on the table, than sitting in the sofa watching some lame pointless TV show. Movies were okay though.

I walked around a couple of corners before I arrived at the library that was placed in the center of the school building. The library was a huge place, made up of big book shelves containing everything from the study books that we might need, to entertainment books so that we could get our minds of the studies we had. It was an amazing place where you could either spend time studying after school, or just go to when you felt like leaving the hectic rush-hour of lunchtime.

Knowing that my mom wouldn't arrive for another hour I entered the library and roamed around looking for something new that I could read in the meanwhile. I also went around the library looking for a book that I could use for my history assignment, which I found with the help of the school librarian. I sat down in one corner of the library and started reading one of the books. I couldn't really figure out what the book was all about, until I came to chapter four and realized that the story circled around a young man and woman that were stuck in an dystopian alien apocalypse where a couple of handsome aliens, both men and women, had started invading the earth and tried to take over. There was nothing special with the story, but the way the author had written the book was mesmerizing. I was completely absorbed into the story while reading the book, that nothing could interrupt me. I did eventually get interrupted by the librarian when she touched my shoulder and made me realize that I had to leave because the library was closing. It was already five o'clock?

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