Chapter Forty-Three: The Narrow Pass

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Over a week since their forced separation and miles before reaching the mountain pass, Tezaro and Aurora encountered Eri and Owen. Being the start of autumn, the valley had not yet been blanketed in patches of snow and ice, and a clear if not lonely road to the pass rose before them as the entrance to the valley.

Sighs of relief after days of separation and seeing one another were quickly chased away with questions of their journey. "How long did they follow?" Tezaro wanted to establish if for them too, the Red Fox had intervened.

"We had several guards chase us fairly close to the hills. I can only assume that given our direction they might believe us to be associated with the Fallen. But those guards were not the problem." Eri informed them as they began to walk up the valley.

"What do you mean? What happened?"

Owen walked along Tezaro and answered. "We came across a couple of patrols and a scouting party of Fennairs's army. We were able to avoid them by giving them a wide berth, but at the rate they were traveling we feared they knew about the escape at Ilsurni Castle and were looking for us."

At the description of their escape, Aurora stood in wonder at just how uneventful her escape with Tezaro had been in comparison. There had been violence and death around her, but Tezaro's ease at defeating their opponents had made everything about it effortless. She had not fully realized how much danger encircled her.

"Fortunately, we were able to outdistance them. But I do not like that Lord Fenaris is on the move. They are grabbing Armindian lands in the south without a challenge." Eri's last dig was aimed at Tezaro.

Since his departure, the Steward of Armindia had refused to name another Protector. As such Armindia was without a leader and not much of a military to defend its borders. It would be only a matter of time before Lord Fennaris's truly aimed a strike at the heart of Armindia, Crown Guard. "Did you stumble upon any?"

Tezaro sidestepped Eri's earlier comment and moved on. "No. Surprisingly we had help. As we raced through the woods, three hooded elves interceded for us. I believe the Red Fox had us followed to Ilsurni Castle, though I do not know or trust his motives. Nonetheless, they came to our rescue."

Meanwhile Aurora remained silent, neither confirming nor denying Tezaro's suspicions. Though the others had wondered the cause of their release, only Eri knew of the bargain between the Red Fox and her.

"Speaking of suspicious elves," Eri chimed in to redirect the conversation. "Are we certain about what's going to happen once we reach the Narrow Pass? What's the plan, then?"

"The mountain pass will be the least of our worries. Once we are beyond the pass we can choose an alternate route that will take us to the sea. From there we can barter passage to Crown Guard." Owen nodded in agreement to Tezaro's words.

"What do you mean route to the sea?" At no time, had there ever been a discussion that Aurora could recall that dealt with a sea route and not straight to Kai'lym. "Aren't we going to where ever Lucas left instructions to follow?"

"No." Eri and Tezaro quickly responded in unison.

"Why not?"

"Because he suggested it." As if that was all the explanation that was needed, Tezaro turned from her and continued walking.

"You still don't trust him!"

"No." Again the pair united against her.

"He risked his life along with the rest of us. He has Lily with him and that's where I'm going." Tezaro stopped and pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to reason with a woman that was more stubborn that a team of pack mules up a mountain.

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