Drugs? Coke is NO Joke!~ Fifteen

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A/N: Hellooo my LWTSB Fans!!! This chapter may be a little short but I made it good just for you!!! I love all your comments on my recent chapters! Thank you so much. (Dances* Party rocking in the house tonight!) You guys are probably like "Shut up! I wanna read now! Okay, here's your chapter! Sniffles*


My feet are prompted comfortably on the coffee table in the living room. A bowl of buttered popcorn resting in my lap. My fingers tightly around the TV remote as I randomly flipped through channels. This week has been surprisingly nice for me. It's been officially three months since I've been living here with the Stone family. There're only two weeks left of school for seniors. The underclassmen still have three weeks until summer. Can you actually believe in just two weeks I'll be graduating? It's amazingly awesome!

I've come a long way the past several months. I came here as the girl who thought she was better than everyone. Who was spoiled, sassy and stuck up. Now I'm the girl who is not afraid to tell someone how I feel. I'm the girl that is sweet, honest, caring, still a little sassy, tolerant, funny and care free. The girl who fell in love with this amazingly, caring, hot guy. Archer doesn't know how much he has changed me in just a short period time. I wish I could thank him everyday for what he's done for me.

Changing the channel to MTV. Klaus had made his way downstairs just as the doorbell rang. He's wearing white skinny jeans along with a Linkin Park sleeveless shirt that revealed his muscular arms, and wore red converses. Klaus looked hot. I've never seen him look this hot before. His dark, shaggy hair still covered his grey eyes and he still had his lip ring pierced in his fluffy pink lips. Klaus is definitely heating up the room right now. I might need a fan! It's probably a girl at the door. It still bothered me that Klaus didn't introduce or tell me about the girl he's been hanging around with. He's my best friend, we're suppose to tell each other everything!

Craning my neck, I peeked over at the door. Klaus turning the doorknob. Opening the door there stood a girl. The same girl he's been hanging around. She has fiery red, long hair. Chocolate brown eyes. A few freckles. A piercing on the left side of her nose. She wore a black shirt that hardly covered her thin stomach that showed a skull with fire tattoo. She's emo. The girl looked a little sketchy to me.

Klaus placed his hands on her waist. Pulling the girl against his body he kissed her. Turning away I focused back on the TV. Girl Code is showing. They were talking about how girls act when they're going through their menstrual cycle. Totally true. One time I was so cranky I yelled at Shane for adding syrup to my pancake because he shouldn't have! Maybe I didn't want syrup! Maybe I-

"Selena?" Klaus cleared his throat. Thank god! I did not feel like rambling about my period.

The red head standing next to him. I opened my mouth, forming an 'O' because I didn't realize she was standing there. "This is my girlfriend, Lexi."

Raising my eyebrows, I looked her over one last time before giving her a genuine smile. "Hey. It's so nice to finally meet you!" I said kindly. Stretching out my hand. She nodded and stuffed her hands into her pockets. Rude much?

"Where's the bathroom?" she asked Klaus. Stuffing her hands in her pockets.

Klaus pointed down the hall, "First door on the right." he instructed.

She walked down the hall. I scrunched up my nose. How could a person sound so dull and be so rude? Raising my eyebrows, "Are you kidding me? Klaus that's your girlfriend?"

Klaus groaned. Rubbing the back of his neck, "Just give her a chance? Please?"

Rolling my eyes, I tossed a popcorn in my mouth and nodded. Klaus plopped down on the couch, sitting next to me. Yeah I'll get to know her alright. Klaus stuffed a handful of popcorn in his mouth and watched Girl Code with me. He would gasp, wrinkle his forehead or just groan when they talked about things he didn't want to hear. It's pretty funny, actually. The shows almost over and Lexi's been in the bathroom over ten minutes. Klaus was about to go check on her when suddenly she skipped out of the bathroom. Her face full with joy and the way she swung her arms back in forth and smiled. She squeezed in next to Klaus and grabbed a fist full of popcorn, "Mmm. This is so good! You know what would go great with this?"

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