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Hey guys and thanks for the endless support. If you guys get to the goal fast I may update again tonight.

Goal is down below

Sophia's Pov

Today started wrongly. I woke up with a backache. My neck was killing me. I barely slept last night so I woke up late. I didn't have any breakfast. Oh, and stupid Axel didn't wake up or care enough to wait for me. He just went alone obliging me to drive with a sore neck. How gentlemanly of him!

"Gem you will hurt your back." I mocked his last words last night but turned out he didn't really mind me. Stupid him! 

Pushing away any negative thought, I tried to focus on the papers in front me. Numbers, codes, contracts all were scattered on my desk but I was in no shape to read any. I was so tense that I felt like snapping at someone or something but why hurt another being?

"Good morning Mrs.Williams." A skinny blond said as she knocked on my door to get my attention

"Good morning." I greeted back and a stupid image of Axel appeared in my mind making me shiver. 

"I am Rachel, Mr.William's secretary." she introduced and I nodded remembering her. But I mentally rolled my eyes back saying that of course she is. She looks like she just popped out of a magazine cover. There different common points between her and his dear Liza maybe that's why he chose her or maybe Rachel reminds him of Liza causing him a never dying memory or what if he simply prefers blonds ? Deep in thoughts, I seemed to ignore Rachel or whatever she said and that's why she cleared her throat loudly announcing that she is still there.

"I am sorry. Where are my manners. Come in." I invited her in

"It is okay and thanks. I just have to tell you that Mr.Williams told you that you have to collect your stuff. You are no longer needed in our Law branch." Rachel informed in a blank tone and shocked to air out of me. Is he really firing me? Did I just imagine the scene that played in front of me? Is he really this low? This part of my company too. 

"You will regret this." His words again echoed in my mind and started a fire of anger inside me. I might be a goody two shoes. I might be defenseless and usually  silent but I won't take such humiliation. Is this why he didn't pick me up today? To make bring my own car so i can drive my way of shame back to the mansion ?

Leaving the figure of Rachel behind, I sprinted out of my chair and office and walked or ran directly to Axel's office. Uncaring about the possibility of him having a guest or no, I just flung the door open. 

"Excuse me, I have to call you back." he hushed to his office phone then looked at me. His eyes were a bit red and his features look a bit rough. He looked as tired as I am or even worse. I wanted to ask him what's wrong , if he is sick or not but the bubbling anger inside me prohibited the coming out of my goody two shoes.

"Gem, come on in." He talked normally as if he did not just fire me

"How do you dare? How can you be so fucking audacious?" I fired at him, after closing the door.

"Don't curse gem. It does not suit you." Axel mumbled and pressed his fingers tiredly to his forehead.

"You just fired me you idiot." I yelled again hearing him grumble

"I already have a headache so will you keep it down?" He asked pressing his fingers again to his temples

"You idiot you fired me even though I basically own half of everything here." I argued again uncaring about his headache

"Dammit Gem stop yelling." Axel ordered standing from his chair and walking my way

"Stop bossing me around. I will yell as much as I want." I stubbornly replied

"Yell again and I know the perfect way to shush you." Axel dared while his eyes settled on my lips sending a shiver through me. 

"You won't dare." I yelled taking a step back 

"Oh, I will. And who said anything about firing you." He questioned as his eyes connected with mine

"Your Rachel said that I am not needed anymore in the Law branche." I said sending him a glare

"My Rachel?" Axel questioned chuckling a bit " Now, Are you jealous of Rachel too sweetheart?" he mocked 

"Yet again not in a million years." I yelled letting my rage show 

"Okay, okay just stop screaming." He said while his hand darted my way and covered my mouth.

"Sophia." Axel hushed lowly as if asking me to come down and just focus " I didn't fire you. I can never do that because as you already pointed half this company belonged to your father and now to you. I may run it all but it is our shared property. I ordered you to collect your things because you are not needed in that branch anymore. You , gem, are becoming my personal assistant." Axel calmly informed and my eyes grew in size. 

"I won't prepare your coffee or schedule your meetings." I said pushing his hand away " I studied hard and did my master degree in financial Law to work as a lawyer." I argued wanting to escape him but as I stepped back my back hit the closed door and Axel stepped again covering my mouth and silencing my yells. 

"Yet again did I say anything about coffee or meetings?" Dangerously gazing at me, He questioned and thinking back I shook my head denying my own words " Good, you Gem will become my personal assistant. You will attend meetings with me. I will consider your opinions. You will from now on own and run the company with me." Axel continued to explain 

"But I don't want to." I nagged like a kid as he removed his hand away from my mouth

"Well, Gem you have to." He hushed slowly and I felt his hot breaths once again caressing my already reddening cheeks

"I am a lawyer material and not a CEO." I argued again trying to look anywhere but his blue eyes

"I will train you." Axel promised and I felt his finger tracing my blush making me shiver 

"I resign" I murmured at him hearing him laugh 

"Don't be silly, Gem. You belong here." he added and I felt him leaning in. I knew what was coming. I knew exactly what he wanted to do and I kind of wanted to but I must keep my promise

"My neck hurts." I hushed at him

"I told you not to sleep on that death trap." he reminded me as he stop a centimeter away from my lips

"I have work to do." I argued again and tried to push him away with my hands but his captured them moving them back to the door.

"We have nothing to do not until mid day at least." Axel corrected 

"Did you listen to Ed Sheeren?" I asked rapidly not giving him time to move closer 

"I did and I agree with him." Axel answered back a smirk

"huh?" I said not getting him

"You are finally out of words." He commented laughing a bit and to my surprise he lifted his head and I felt his lips pressing hotly on my forehead. He just left a lingering kiss on my forehead and as small as that gesture may be it made me shiver and sparks were felt all over me.

"I won't force you to kiss me Gem even though I am sure that you liked both our previous kisses." Axel said turning away from me and I instantly missed the heat of his body "Now go bring you stuff. See this office it will be ours too." He informed 

"But I didn't agree to such change." I nagged again

"Consider it as a payment for your wild night out." Axel replied back

"It was not wild at all." I promised not wanting to be his assistant

"I don't care now go bring your stuff." Axel ordered again with a tone of finality and I couldn't but oblige.  


thanks again ^_^

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