Perfect Two

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Hello guys. I miss you, wattpad and writing so freaking much. I am making my way back here and since most of you picked GTS here you go a new chapter :D

Have a good day and next chapter will be written once the goal is met like usual and thanks in advance.

the song that they danced too is up there :D 

General Pov:

Still rubbing his tired blue eyes , Axel tried to focus on the empty dark streets ahead of them. He was driving them back home. Finally, Sophia gave up and agreed to go and rest. She became friends with Liza. She did the impossible and broke the long lasting curse of the exes and wife. He woke up to both women laughing loudly while watching a video of a two singers , a boy and girl , the girls said they were called Nick and Demi. Both singers sounded amazing and looked like they were really good friends...Both Sophia and Liza shipped them or whatever that means. 

After stepping out of the hospital, Sophia stayed silent. She looked tired, happy and a tad tensed. He felt tensed too. He knew that now he should start making his moves clear to her. He should talk to her so they can decide if they should renew their vows, move out of his mother's house or do what to be exact? He didn't want to rush her into anything. He already messed up once, twice or plenty of times....

"So you are just going to frown at the road?" Sophia finally broke the thickening uncomfortable silence that enveloped them in the car 

"Sorry, I am just..." He tried to say but his words got cut short when her head fell lightly on his shoulder. He just wanted to tell her that he loves her, all of her, forever ? Yet, he knew that words aren't enough to fix their past...

"Don't be calculated around me, just voice your words Beau" she finished and chuckled reminding him of the nickname that she picked for him

"Je veux  faire tout pour que tu puisses m'aimer pleinement sans peurs ni doutes, ma belle" Axel mumbled in french hoping for her either to get it from to first try or not to get anything and let the tenseness pass by.

"Je t'aime pleinement" Sophia hushed and a creeping blush colored her cheeks. She is still learning to tell him about her feelings, still getting used to such intense confessions, still falling in love with Axel...

"I want us to start it right again. Maybe a small wedding with real vows where you could pick your dress and we can plan all together ?" Axel finally started voicing his ideas and his heart pounded fast and loud what if she does not want to go through that old dark path again? What if he ruined her dreams of getting married ?

"I actually like our first wedding" Sophia confessed then giggled loud and sat herself again o her chair perfectly making Axel miss her warmth. He looked her way fast and her eyes were full of tears now. She was still laughing and he didn't know why.

"Our old wedding, seriously Gem ?" Axel asked surprised and confused by her sudden reaction

"How many girls can say that they got a picture of her husband flicking her off as a good morning message? Then, your face when you saw me walking down the aisle? You were looking at me then the door and like so a thousand times...You were either deciding to run away or not sure if I am me." Sophia looked at him and mimicked his past reaction. Her eyes grew in size and her mouth opened a bit. If he wasn't driving still he would have kissed her cute pouting lips but for now he just laughed.

"Actually I was awestruck." Axel replied shocking the loudly laughing Sophia and her voice silenced for a moment as her blush deepened

"Yeah, sure. Then, the priest , I swear, he wanted to hit you so hard because you were clearly being a brat. The old man huffed and cursed you as he finished the ceremony. Imagine a priest cursing...You made the unbelievable happen." She reminded him of the five long minutes that he took to say "I do" "The priest nearly shouted like a replaying record "do you? do you ? do you" for all that time. I was truly thinking of leaving you behind and just go drink a coffee or something." Sophia blamed but still had an amused face on. She was not angry at the memory at all. "Then the first dance, I remember it ending in a nanosecond" she mocked sticking her tongue out" How many girls can describe their weddings in such a fun way ?" Sophia continued to laugh at him 

"Well I am not the only one to blame. You cried walking down the aisle. So even awestruck , I was afraid of saying I do and you bursting into tears. Oh, and I flicked you off because you ignored my messages of what song should be played as our first dance song. I literally illiterate when it comes to music, remember that Ed Sheren guy?" He explained himself a bit amazed at how undramatic Sophia can be

"So you picked "perfect two"?" Sophia mocked " Axel Williams the manly CEO and  heartthrob dancing to " You can be the peanut butter to my jelly.You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly.You can be the captain and I can be your first mate.You can be the chills that I feel on our first date ? Really Axel , really?" she sung and he blushed 

"That song just popped on Mitchel's YouTube search and I had no will to look for anything else...His girlfriend at the time sent to him and I thought it will work as perfect cover. Yet when it played I just wanted to hide" He assured but it was his time to feel embraced and shy 

"Your facial expressions from that day are a memory to keep. I won't trade them for anything. I don't want a new wedding. Our wedding is us just crazy, fun and insane." Sophia promised letting her head fall again on his shoulder and he relaxed at her touch...Plan A refused now he got to find a new way to make it up to her 

Goal is 100 Votes and 70 comments ?

Have a great day 

Love u all 

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