Chapter 21 Terrified

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I sit against the shower wall, tears streaming down my face, but I barely notice. I'm too focused on making a plan to get out of here, I have to. I can't stay here. I just can't. I need to get out of here. I don't know how though, he never really lets me out of his sight, except to use the restroom or take a shower.

I could try while he is asleep, but I tried getting up one time and he woke up, so I don't think that will work. I hear him knock on the door.

"Darling? Are you almost done?" He asks.

"Yeah." I say shakily, hoping he doesn't notice.

"Okay, well when you get out, if you want breakfast I'll take you down to the kitchen."

I don't reply. After a little while I get out, knowing he'll be suspicious. I slip on my clothes and leave the bathroom. I find Lucas asleep on the bed, not surprising considering I woke him up last night trying to get out of bed.

I leave him in the room, deciding to explore a bit, since the first time I tried to escape he put a lock on the door and windows and he hid the key. I have to know my way around though, because even if I got the key, I could still get lost.

I wander down a hallway that I haven't been in before. Every door I've tried so far has been locked. For what, I don't know. To my knowledge he just bought this place. Maybe there are ways out of here in those rooms.

Finally, I reach an unlocked room. I open the door slowly, a little afraid of what I'll find. When I step in the room, I gasp. It's filled with pictures and drawings of me and things of mine that I thought I'd lost.

I pick up a small stuffed bunny and hold it to me. I've had this since I was a kid, until I lost it, I mean until it was stolen. By him. I look at all my things scattered about the room and shudder. This is so creepy! Why would he take my things? Why would he have this room? I have so many questions.

I go to pick up a picture laying on a table when I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I jump startled and turn around. Lucas stands in the doorway, not looking very happy with me.

Oh crap. "I-I'm sorry! I was just uh exploring. I didn't mean to find this room. Why do you have it anyway? And why did you steal my things?!" My voice changes from apologetic to confused and angry.

His eyes darken as he glares at me. "What. Are. You. Doing. In. Here?" He growls, stalking towards me.

I back up slightly, trying not to show how terrified I truly am. "I-I was looking around."

"You have no right." He growls lowly and pushes me back against the wall. "I told you to stay out of things."

"Well, what is this room!? Why do you have my things?!"

He grabs my arm roughly and I wince. "It. Is. None. Of. Your. Business." He says dangerously low.

He pulls me from the room, dragging me by the arm. I cry out trying to pull away. "You're hurting me!" I cry out and his fingers dig deeper in my arm.

"Good." He drags me to the room and throws me onto the bed roughly. I hit my head on the headboard and cry out in pain.

He stalks towards me, a look I've never seen on his face. He looks furious and absolutely terrifying. I back up, almost falling off the bed, but her grabs my foot, yanking me forward.

"What did I tell you about wandering around? Didn't I tell you to stay with me at all times?" I don't answer and he slaps me, hard.

I gasp and hold my cheek, tears streaming down my face. He shows no remorse, glaring harshly at me.

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