Chapter 29 Damon (Mason's POV)

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A few days after we finalized our plan, we out it into action. Sebastian and Damon used to be good friends, so Sebastian will reach out and ask to meet up. Then, he'll plant a tracker on him, once we figure out where he is keeping Charlotte we'll gather some of our friends and go to get her back.

Sebastian sighs. "Do I really have to talk to him?"

"I mean, you don't have to... but it would help me a lot."

"Ughhh, so I have to."

I grin and slap him on the back, "Come on man, let's get some food and call Damon."

He perks up at the idea of food and runs out the door, I chuckle and follow him.

"Where do you want to go eat? You can call Damon from there."

"Hmmm....Burger King! I want fries!"

"You're such a child." I laugh and climb into the driver's seat. He gets in the passenger and we drive off.




After we eat, Sebastian pulls out his phone and calls Damon, he puts it on speaker so I can listen too.

"Hello? Sebastian is that you? You haven't called me in months."

"Hey Damon, yeah it's me, sorry for not calling, I just wanted to see if you wanted to meet up? Catch up over coffee or something?"

"Uh, sure when? I'm kind of in the middle of something right now, how about tomorrow?"

"Does tomorrow at 11 work? We could meet up at the cafe we used to go to."

"Yeah, see you then."

He hangs up and sighs. "I really don't want to do this."

"I know, but I need Charlotte out of there, who knows what he's doing to her."

"I know man, we'll get her, I promise"

"Thanks man."

Damon's Pov

I grin sadistically. 'Well it looks like I may just have help."

I turn and head down the hall towards Charlotte's room. I swing the door open, not bothering to knock. "Up Maid! Now!"

I turn on the light and pull her out of bed. "I want this whole house spotless by tonight. We're having a guest tomorrow and you need to be on your best behavior, or you'll regret it."

She nods meekly and scurries towards her closet. I leave her alone for the time being, instead heading to.

Sebastian and me used to be great friends, we would do everything together.


The girl screams, high-pitched and filled with fear. Sebastian grins sadistically and walks around her, twirling a whip in his hands.

I grin and turn to grab a knife off the wall. A curved little knife with a wicked sharp edge, a light touch could cut through several layers of skin.

I circle the girl, examining her. She has once beautiful dark brown hair, now tangled and tinted red with her blood. Her delicate face is marred with cuts and bruises and lashes cover her body, her dress torn to shreds.

"You've done swell Sebastian, you may go now."

He starts to protest and I shoot him a glare. "Leave or you'll be punished."

He huffs and leaves the room, slamming the door shut. I'll deal with him later.

(End flashback)

I raised him, from 7 years old when I found him on the streets, he was supposed to be my apprentice, but he wanted to go his own way in life, that's alright however, hopefully when we meet I can convince him to come back. I'm sure he'd love to help me break Charlotte.

Hey guys! I'm sorry it's taken so long, but here I am again! I know its a bit twisted, however that's just how Damon's character is, I'm sorry if it makes any of you uncomfortable. I hope you liked this chapter, I'm currently working on the next one! It will be a whole new chapter, not edited like the others. See you there!

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