Chapter 9: Fury

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He looked over to Despair. "Really? How bad did you mess with them?" She only laughed. "Look, things happened. We will only have to fight a little. We will be fine." Fury sighed. He thought this was suppose to be a quiet mission but not much she could have done. He knew no matter what the alarms would have gone off. "Alright. When we hit floor twenty-three then tell me. I'm ready to blow whenever." Despair nodded and watched the panel. Fury made sure his detonator was ready. "I sure hope this works." Despair said. She's always acting all sweet to everyone but her and Louis. It makes no sense to Fury. He could only sigh. "We are about to hit floor twenty-three in three, two, one." Fury pushed a button and Loud boom sound went off above them. The noise shook the elevator. "Hah. Told you it would work." Despair smiled and giggled. "Good job little bro. But we have one problem." Fury raised a brow. "What would that be?" She sighed. "Once we hit the bottom floor, were gonna be surrounded by guards." Fury hadn't thought of that. "Alright well, we can always wing it." She smirked. "I love winging it. Let's do it." He nodded. "Alright. When we hit ground level you stay hidden. I'm gonna throw son of my mini explosives out." Despair agreed. "Sounds good to me. Just don't get my hair or pretty face ruined." He sighed. "Of all times, this is not one to worry about your looks." He really was confused about Despair. He thinks of her as a crazy cousin who has went insane. "Just do what you need Fury." She hid on the right side. Standing out of view. Fury smirked. He shook himself to prepare him for this. He's been ready to test his bombs for awhile now.

They arrived on floor one. The elevator came to a stop. He took another deep breath and smirked. The doors opened and about 10 guards were aiming weapons directly at him. "Drop your weapons!" The apparent leader said. Fury studied the man. He only had a pistol in his left hand. Fury wonder we how a man who isn't carrying at least dual pistols. But this man only had one. Fury chuckled a little at him. "You are pretty funny. You would need two pistols if you want to even hurt me." The men raised a brow as Fury smirked. He quickly drew the explosives and threw them out to the men. He then leaped back into the elevator, igniting the explosives. He heard the screams as the men were dying. Fury loved hearing big sounds followed by the screaming of his foes. He described it as a work of art. "Well that was very anticlimactic." Despair. He hated her remarks.  He thought they were not needed and overall dumb remarks. He sighed and stood up. "Look, explosions are a work of art and I cleared the men, you're welcome." Despair giggled. "This is why I prefer Love and Trust. You are just too serious." She walked passed him. "Love or Trust? Over me? Now that was unnecessary." Fury hates hearing about Love, Hope, or Anticipation. He thinks people overrate them to a point that it angers him. "Where is our ride?" Despair said. She turned to him giving him a sassy look. "Ugh, he should be here at some point." She sighed. "I'll contact him, I guess." He raised a brow. This has been the third mission him and Despair have been on together. Each time he feels she hates him more and more.

"He should be here in a bit. The police are coming." Fury sighed. "Really? The police? Well this is great, we get to become criminals now." Despair giggled. "We won't be criminals. We should be gone at that point. Shame is on his way. He got carried up in a fight himself." Fury was shocked that Shame would get into a fight. He usually puts the mission first. "Shame? Got into a fight?" Despair sighed. "Men are hopeless. He got into a scramble with some police. He took care of it the way he was ordered." Fury nodded. He wanted to question what methods he used. "What kind of methods?" She shrugged. "Mostly gunning them down but nothing too brutal, why?." Fury laughed. "Nothing too brutal? Despair, those are law enforcement officers! If they find out that Project Emotion took part in this they are gonna shut down the project so fast and have us all locked behind bars for life. So this is very brutal." Despair just shrugged. "Not my problem. I'll sweet talk them out of it." Fury just sighed. "You can't sweet talk your way out of this one. If we do get caught you are going right to prison." Despair raised a brow. "Honey, I'm a jewel. No one is gonna put this pretty face in prison." Fury laughed a little. "Well good thing for us we might never have to find out about that." She smiled. "I know. Cause Shame is almost here. He's out speeding the cops apparently." Fury was happy to hear that. "Hm. So far so good then?" Despair nodded. "Of course. You have me a par apart of this. With me you can never fail any mission ever!" She smiled to him. "Mhm. I bet everyone would agree with that." He said sarcastically. They heard a vehicle slam on it breaks at the entrance. It was Shame.

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