Chapter 16: Acceptance

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The shot was really loud. Acceptance heard it but he knew the leader hadn't fired. So who did? Did Love really die? Acceptance took a deep breath and looked up and over towards Love. To his surprise,  Love was fine. Was it Hope of Joy? All these questions were spinning in his head till Love spoke up. "J-joy?" Acceptances eyes went wide. He turned to Joy, who was looking at his chest. Red liquid started coming out and he shed tears. "I-I was shot, L-love." Joy said. He slowly fell to the ground. Love looked angry. Acceptance could tell he was about to start fighting. Love grabbed the gun from the leader and fired the gun. The Leader fell to the ground, lifeless. He quickly shot the closest soldier and started dropping them as quickly as he could. Hope also joined in. Gunning down the soldiers. Acceptance ran to Joy. "Stay with me Joy! Were gonna get you out of here!" Joy was slowly looking weaker and weaker. He placed a hand on Acceptances shoulder. "I-I am already gone. J-just complete the m-mission." He dropped his hand and went lifeless. He looked up to the entrance and saw more soldiers coming in. His radio buzzed. "Acceptance! I am ready!" It was agent Disgust. "Roger! We are under fire...Joy is dead. We will be moving soon!" He put his radio down. "Love! Hope! We gotta move! Disgust is ready!"

He quickly slid his fingers to make Joy's eyes close. He stood up and quickly ran to the object. "Cover me! I'm gonna get the object out!" He pushed the object towards the window. He glanced at Love and Hope. Love was killing soldiers as Hope was pushing a table towards the window. He quickly understood her reasoning. Her and Love are gonna be using the tables to glide. Love can easily make string rope to keep there feet attached. His radio buzzed. "This is disgust I have two enemy ships following. I need you Chicken Nuggets to be able to gun them down!" Acceptance buzzed in. "Don't worry. Love and Hope will deal with them. They are gonna rendezvous with Shame after." He finished pushing the object to the broken window. "Hurry! We gotta move!" Love slowly started backing up and Hope got the table at the window. "Go ahead! I'll be right behind!" Love yelled. He slashed at a mans neck with his dagger. Acceptance could tell Love was angry. He wanted to pull his gun out and kill Love right on the spot. But he knew Hope needed him to make it through next part of the mission so he only nodded. "Alright." He got on top of the object. "Use these to make sure you guys stay on your table." He threw Hope two pairs of gravitational objects. "Place them on the bottom of your feet." She nodded. She pushed the object Acceptance was on, out the window.

He looked up seeing Hope and Love following suit. He couldn't help but smile at the fun of this. He saw Disgust soon in position woth two enemy ships after her. He pulled out his weapon and started firing. The ship easily took the gunfire and was about to fire back until Love started opening fire. Acceptance almost smiled to Love but didn't. He  remembered that he doesn't like Love at all. Disgust flew past Acceptance opening the back end. His radio buzzed. "Alright! Aim it perfectly!" Acceptance leaned to the right a little. He centered the object right where he needed it to be. Disgust slowed her ship down and Acceptance flew right in slamming into the floor of the ship with the object slamming into the wall dividing the Passenger seating and the pilots. "Alright we are pulling out!" Disgust said. He felt the ship speed up.

He stood up and sighed. "Well, that was certainly fun." He walked up to the object and opened it. Joy's body was inside. He had become wrinkled and looked very small. Acceptance took out his radio and buzzed in. "Contractor,  it's Charles." He awaited an answer. "Hello Agent Acceptance. Did you and Sorrow complete your task?" Charles nodded. "Yes sir. We are lucky that the new agent was lead to believe Joy was the traitor. The object does as you said it would. It's taking Joy's emotion, harvesting it's power. It's a slow process but it gets the job done." Acceptance smirked. "Very good agent. We shall make the strongest agent ever. You serve me well. Now complete the rest of your task and return to me. Let no one see inside, Charles. That is an order." Charles smirked. "Yes sir." He put his radio back and closed the object. Charles was happy he completed his part of the mission with ease. He knew his little mess up would cause the troops to come find them. He held out a device. He was happy he made it just before the mission. It sent a signal to the troops that they were inside. He was just lucky his fellow teammates didn't find out. For Charles this mission was very easy. He made himself important to cover his possible betrayal. "Hm. Stupid Love, never saw the obvious in front. Now let's hope he dies. But more then that, I want Pain, Hope, and him to die." He smirked. He felt proud of himself. Now all he needs to do is make agent Sorrow the traitor to cover himself up. But that is the easy part since most of them don't like the new agent anyway. He sat in a seat, smiling the whole time.

He began to think of what the others could possibly be doing at the moment. He was hoping at least a couple more of the agents could die, but he sadly doubt it would happen. Joy was the weakest agent of all of them, the easiest to kill.
Thanks for the read! The first main character has fallen! This chapter has been one of my favorites because it really brings you through a loop. Lol I hope y'all liked it!

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