12. Guess I Would Shoot My Own Son

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Cody's POV

"Annie!" I yell.

She falls limp and doesn't move. Miwa try's to get close to her but is held back. Craig looks back at me and kicks the necklace to me. It lands right in front of me and I stare at it, my eyes were starting to water. I look back up and see Craig pointing the gun at Steve.

"Do they all know the full truth?" Craig asks me.

"No." I answer.

"Should I tell them?" He asks.

"Please don't." My voice begins to crack.

Craig smiles and shoots Steve's leg. I can feel my old self coming back. I want to murder him the worst way possible. I can feel my old cold eyes coming back and I think Craig can see it.

"He was an assassin." He announces, "But not just any assassin, he was The Shadow Killer."


I look at the three and see them staring at me in shock and disbelief.

"He's lying, right?" Allen asks.

"No, he's not." I say looking down at the ground.

I don't want to see their faces right now, it will only hurt me more. A gun shot rings out and I shoot my head up. Allen had blood on his side and was yelling in pain.

"You lead another team to their deaths." Craig laughs.

Something snapped. I can't control it any more. I thought I killed it, but he was only hiding. I jump to my feet and break the cuffs. Guards run at me and I punch, dodge, and kill them. Others raise their guns at me but Craig tells them not to shoot. He pulls out a knife and gets ready for me to make a move.

I run at him and grab a knife off of one of the guys on the ground. He swings the knife at me and I slice his wrists as the blade barely scrapes my shoulder. I kick him in the gut and punch him in the jaw. I try to knock him off his feet but he grabs my leg and swings me behind him. I fall to the ground and feel more anger rise up.

I look to the side of me and see Annie on the ground. Her chest is slightly moving and I let out a breath of relief. I grab her necklace and wrap it in my hand. I get back up and face Craig again. He pulls out a gun and starts shooting at me. I run out of the way and get behind the jeeps. Other guards started shooting at me too and they all miss me by inches.

I see head lights start to come close. It must be more guards. I am so screwed. The trucks stop and men and women jump out shooting at Craig and his men. Fuck yes!

I come out of my hiding spot and run to a handgun that was on the ground. I pick it up and start shooting. I cant see Craig anywhere! Someone comes up next to me and pulls me back. It's Bogo!

"Get Annie!" He yells to me.

I nod my head and turn around. Craig is right over her pointing a gun at her head. He smirks and I put my hands up in surrender. He is yanked back by Allen and Steve grabs the gun out of his hands. I waist no time and run to Annie. I lift her up, bridle style, and run to one of the trucks. I put her in the back seat and kiss her forehead, before running back to fight.

I see Allen and Steve on the floor next to Craig who is shooting at other things. He doesn't see me so I sneak up behind him. I pull out my knife and throw it at him. He moves at the last second and the knife went into his shoulder instead of his neck. He yells in pain and starts shooting at me. I try to doge the bullets but one hits my leg and I fall to the ground. I hear Craig walk next to me.

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