V. Test

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(F/N) (L/N) never saw it coming. In fact, no one did.

That morning, as (F/N) was eating breakfast with her new friends Eren, Mikasa and Armin, Nifa, whose face was as pale as death, came, bearing a message.

From whom, you ask?

It was from Captain Levi Ackerman himself.

Mikasa's eyes dangerously narrowed. "What does that midget want with (F/N)?"

"Yeah!" Eren almost screamed as he slammed his right fist on the table. "Wasn't yesterday's punishment enough?!"

(F/N) frowned.

Last night before bedtime, Mikasa urged her to tell them the real reason behind Levi's treatment towards her. At first, she refused, afraid to let them know what happened. But then, Nifa reassured her, saying it was not her fault.

And so, with a heavy heart, she told them everything that happened, from Hange's crazy attempt at raiding the old rooms right up to the moment when Levi slapped her just because of wearing Petra's dress.

Mikasa was speechless. Armin was deep in thought. Eren,... was just downright outraged.

"Eren, calm down,..." Mikasa whispered as she rubbed Eren's back.

"How the fuck could I calm down?!" he screamed. "I mean, we all know that Levi favored Petra among anybody else here, but,... come on!"

"Eren is right." Armin interjected. "For the Captain to do something so cruel to an innocent girl, I think he still couldn't move on after what happened. He must've truly loved Petra,..."

Nifa nudged Armin with her elbow painfully, gesturing for him to be careful with his words. And she was right. A few seconds after Armin spoke, (F/N) had her head bowed down low, her tears falling down her face to the soft mattress she was sitting at. Armin felt bad about his callousness when he saw (F/N) in such a state.

"(F/N), I'm sorry,..." Armin began.

"You are not mistaken, Armin." (F/N) looked up. She began wiping her tears with her sleeve. Then, she,... smiled. "Petra's a wonderful person. It's no wonder that the Captain fell in love with her."

Mikasa's eyebrows furrowed.

Eren placed his hands on (F/N)'s shoulders. "What the Captain did to you was wrong. You should never let anyone hurt you like that, even if it's him." he said. "We'll always stay by your side, (F/N). Got it?"

(F/N) smiled and let her tears fall again, but this time, in gratitude. Nifa placed an arm round her shoulders and squeezed her lightly. "The next time he does that, we'll let the Commander know."

But, the Commander hasn't arrived, yet, to the confusion of many, for he was supposed to be back within three days. A week has passed, and they haven't heard any news of him.

So, when Levi asked Nifa to deliver a message to (F/N), she couldn't help but shudder with fear. What is the Captain up to, now?

(F/N) took the note from Nifa and opened it. Mikasa, Eren, and Armin huddled close behind her to see what the Captain had written for her.

Go to my office at exactly ten in the morning. Absence or tardiness would not be tolerated.

Captain Levi Ackerman

It was simply written in black ink. (F/N) folded the paper, looking worried.

"Don't go, (F/N)." begged Mikasa. "Who knows what he'll do to you there in his office,..."

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