XVII. Heartbreak

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Levi rubbed the spot on his right arm where Hange's needle had been. He had another appointment with the mad scientist, and he just had his blood sample taken. Hange also conducted another round of tests with him. They were trivial things such as weightlifting and exercise. Easy tasks, yes, and yet, it was even harder for him than ever before.

There were only five days left before the Expedition.

And Hange hadn't produced the antidote, yet.

Hange took away her medicinal kit and hid it inside her drawer without saying a word. Levi looked at her intently, seriously wanting to inflict harm on her for her uncharacteristic silence for the past week. Couldn't she make the antidote? Had she discovered a way to cure him in another way? If not, why was she being silent about it? Was it because she doesn't want to tell him that he could no longer be healed?

"Hange, the antidote?"

No answer.

He clicked his tongue and stood, but not without saying something to her, first.

"About the favor I asked of you the other day, have you searched it?"

Hange looked up from the papers she started reading. "Yes."

Finally, an affirmative,...

She opened her drawer and produced a folder from it. She gave it to him and said, "Pauls, Rodrick, age 28, was apparently a part of the 57th Expedition. He belonged to the Elite Squad that was stationed on the right flank of the formation. He was, unfortunately, one of the Soldiers who perished from the Female Titan's assault. As you can see in those files, there's nothing particularly special about him, save for the information on his family background and his meager income. Why do you want to know about him, by the way?"

"No reason. Just want to know who he was." he said. It was the truth. What he didn't tell her was his strong urge to murder this particular man, or at least mutilate his organs.

Such a pity that he's already dead,...

Levi left her office and went back to his own, the folder containing Rodrick Pauls' files on his hand and Petra's diary in his breast pocket. He opened the door to his office and stepped in. He closed it and sat on the sofa.

He seriously wanted to murder someone,...

(F/N) was currently training with the others. It's better that way, since he didn't need another reminder of what he just read on Petra's diary.

Levi smiled in a very sinister way. He was definitely an idiot for being cheated on like that.

For being deceived by someone he truly loved.

And apparently, he wasn't the only one. He knew that (F/N) admired her dear sister and best friend. Too bad, she doesn't think of her the same way she does. They're both idiots,...

... and they're both blindly devoted to the same deceiver.


Levi took the diary from his pocket and threw it forcefully away across the room. It landed near his desk, and to add insult to his injury, it opened on the page which revealed Petra's unbelievable infidelity towards him.

Another barrage of curses escaped from his lips as he ripped Rodrick's files into pieces. He ripped and ripped until there were only little pieces of the papers left. He threw them on the floor and stepped angrily on them.

He closed his eyes and grabbed a fistful of his hair with both hands, wanting to tear them from his scalp.

"Such a fucking,... idiot!" he said more to himself.

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