Chapter 4: That's not his name, he doesn't have one

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"Oh man. She's still out there." Trinity yelled at the others. She felt like crying, one of her best friends was gone. Possibly dead for all she knew. Brandon tried to comfort her but she wouldn't listen, she just kept muttering to herself that it was her fault.

"I bet she's still alive, they didn't find a body." Avery said.

"She could have died on the streets somewhere else then." Trinity paced around the room a couple of times, thinking of where Reagan could be. Her pacing began to get faster whenever she thougt of something bad. Soon, she'd burn a hole into the floor. None of the others wanted to stop her, knowing she'd get aggrivated even more than she was.

Trinity walked into the kitchen to get some water to try and cool herself down. And if she didn't soon, she would probably lose it. Brandon turned on the t.v., and the news immediately sprang on the through the glass. Everyone looked at the picture that was drawn to represent Reagan. Trinity gritted her teeth. Where did she go? Surely, no one would be able to catch her right?

Wrong. They didn't know about Jonathan. And they wouldn't for some time.

About thirty miles away, more or less, Reagan was sitting at a table, eating toast that she was almost done with. When she swallowed her last piece, Jonathan came in, with a straight face as usual. He could at least make her feel more comfortable. But she guessed since she was kidnapped he'd have to intimidate her. Reagan looked up at him, watching him carefully as he was rummaging through his briefcase. "What are you doing, Crane?" She asked in a bored tone.

He glanced at her, and went back to going through his case until he found what he was looking for. "Yes, hello. Now what I am doing, is testing my new toxin on you." Reagan didn't even worry about his poison seeping into her mind anymore, it just didn't work. And she couldn't, for the life of her understand why he kept trying, but she could let him have fun with it.

Jonathan walked up to her and sprayed her rather quickly. They waited for about ten minutes before it actually did something. Reagan still didn't worry, even if it was working, the symptoms wouldn't be that bad.

Her legs started to shake rapidly, and her head hurt. She tried to stand but she fell and hit her head on the hard ground, causing her to grow unconscious. Jonathan picked her up and laid her down on her dirty bed. He stayed there examining the patient.

Reagan woke up confused, she was in her house. She stood up, no longer in any trouble. Warily, she opened the door to go out into the hallway. The voices of her mother, father, and her sister echoed throughout the house, along with laughter. Taking a peek from the top of the stairs, she could see them, and herself. The strange thing is that she was... levitating items around the room as her family watched.

"This never happened... if it did I would remember it.." They all laughed with her, and clapped. Why weren't they scared of her, wasn't what she was doing, abnormal?

"I'm so glad you finally have your powers," Her father stated, "We thought you'd never get them." As soon as he said that, they all looked at the Reagan on the stairs. As soon as that, she was blasted into back into reality.

Reagan woke up, startled. "What...was that?" She asked him angrily. Jonathan was occupying himself, reading a book.

"You were asleep," He closed it and set it on the table, only to look at her again. "Apparently, my toxin didn't work," Jonathan paused. "Again." At this point, he didn't know if it would work at all.

Reagan pressed her lips together. Then, that meant that it wasn't real at all... Of course no one else in her family had powers. In fact, she didn't know if they were powers. Just... some abnormal entity of a psychopath. Swiftly, Jonathan's book flew across the room. He followed it with his eyes, and furrowed his brows. "I... didn't mean to do that..?" She knew it was her.

"Well, apparently your "friend" is angry," He pursed his lips. She didn't know what to say. She gulped, and his briefcase fell off of the table.

"I'm sorry." Her head started to pound again. Reagan put her head down and looked at her lap. Perhaps maybe it was her. She had been talking to herself these entire years, nothing else. He didn't say anything, just waited for her to speak again. "I think... the last time you couldn't see it because I was...hallucinating?" It seemed more like a question than anything.

"Perhaps," He said simply. Jonathan picked up his book and his briefcase and set them on the table, again. "If you'll excuse me, I have to leave, I'll be back." With that, he left. He didn't even take his briefcase.

Maybe he's not doing anything bad this time. Reagan thought. She was all alone for the time being, and she was quite scared. Considering what had happened just about five minutes ago. What if it hurt her? Jonathan wouldn't be there to save her, so she would have to bear it on her own. It's not really like he cared, and she knee that, but she was scared. More than when she had lost her parents at the store when she was eight, and thought someone tried to kidnap her.

For the first hour, nothing happened, and Reagan just laid there waiting for him to get back. Since he didn't tell her, he could be back whenever. She rubbed her eyes, and looked at the wall in front of her. She then closed her eyes, concentrating on what she was going to do in the future, that is, if she had one and Jonathan didn't kill her first. She shook her head to wipe away the thought.

Something hit the wall. Reagan's eyes shot open, and something else hit the wall. Looking around, she saw the toaster on the floor across the room, and a chair on the opposite side. It can't be happening again. It can't. He's not even back yet. She started to panic, and every thing in the room started to shake.Reagan gasped, not sure on what to do.

Reagan screamed and everything had fallen to the floor or being tossed at one particular area, mostly the walls. The toaster hit her on the head and she could practically see the stars swirling around. Everything started to fade in and out, she could faintly someone- Jonathan run in and shake her, but by now she couldn't hear anything. She then blacked out.

When she awoke, she let out a heave. Reagan saw Jonathan glance over at her from a book. "I suppose you're alright now? Except for the fact that you have a huge bump on your head." She looked around, the place was still a mess.

"I am. I'm still scared though..." She gulped. Why would she mention that to him? Jonathan of all people. She turned away, thinking that he would mock her. Telling her that he had finally gotten to see her terrified. Or perhaps maybe a smug grin. He didn't. He sat there until he mustered up the courage to get up and walk over to her. He was slightly uneasy due to the fact she could apparently throw things without even touching them.

Jonathan got down to her level and placed his arm around her shoulders. Reagan flinched, but didn't make any attempt to remove his arm. She smiled a bit, but didn't let him see. "Reagan," He spoke, she looked at him, her cheeks slightly flushed due to the fact that their faces were mere inches from each other. "I'm done experimenting." Her eyes lit up, she wouldn't have to sit in that chair and wait for hours for it to work.

"Really?" She asked surprised. He nodded, looking as if he was thinking.

"Yes, but I could use you for something else, you don't need to know the details as of yet, though." Reagan mumbled an 'okay'. She looked up at him again, and his eyes were a deeper and darker shade of blue. They were usually sky blue, now they have a mixture of mud.

"Are you okay?" She asked, trying not look in his eyes again.

"Yes, why?" He replied through closed teeth. Are you? Are you really? Scarecrow also said, replying to Reagan's question as if she could hear him. Jonathan tried to shut him up mentally, but that didn't work.

She shrugged, and she sat there wondering what was wrong. She didn't want to pry, so she just kept quiet. Jonathan gently took his arm away, gently pulling her face towards his. Reagan didn't try to pull away. She let it happen.

His lips felt warm against hers. Reagan's heart fluttered as they moved in sync together. But as soon as he pulled back, she groaned. "That was quick." She tried to cover her face.

"Well we wouldn't want to spoil you." He responded. His eye color was back to the normal sky blue. Jonathan stood up, "I have to do something." He said in a hurry, and grabbed his briefcase and wondered through the door. Reagan didn't know where it led to, but it probably couldn't be good. So she decided to wait until another day to sneak down there, preferably when he wasn't here.

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