Chapter Sixteen :Truce???

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"Be selective in your battles; sometimes peace is better than being right."


Alex's POV

Follow your mate!!

Follow your mate!!

Follow him!!

Follow Nicholai!!!

"Go. Before something bad happens. You won't forgive yourself."

I obeyed Jake and followed the path Nicholai had taken. I needed to be sure I was on the right path so I shifted.

You tore your clothes to pieces.

"No shit Sherlock! Now zip it. We have a mate to find." I run as fast as I could.

How could he have gotten far this fast?

"He's the fastest and strongest there is. That's why he's the most feared alpha dammit."

Someone's a bit bitchy. She (my wolf) sneered at me.

His smell wafted into my nostrils... He's got to be closer then. I heard a waterfall and guessed that's where he would be. The sloshing of the water always seems to calm people down.

I stopped when I was directly facing the waterfall. It was a magnificent sight. The expanse of the water coming down was like one metre and it fell from a long height that formed a lake then flowed downhill.

The sun rays hit the water coming down and the water, acting as a mirror, reflected off the different colours of white light.

I was taken aback by the sheer splendour of the water fall that I forgot why I was even here in the first place.

Our mate!!!

Oh... Right.

I looked around me, trying to locate a marked tree so as to get clothes to wear as I had ripped mine into shreds.

I found said tree and quickly shifted back into my human form.  I dressed in a simple tank top and shorts and made way to where my mate's scent was strongest.

"Nicholai? Are you here???"

No answer.

"Okay I know you're here. Can we at least talk?"

His head popped out of the water. And he was shirtless.

I swallowed.

"I'm here now. You can talk."

"Can you at least come out of the water so we can talk properly?"

"I can't."

"You can't or you wouldn't? "

"I can't."

"Fine then. I'll talk later." I turned and started walking back where I came from.

I don't even know what to do with him. Urggh! I run after him to talk to him and all, and he can't even get out of the freaking water to talk to me?


"Wait!" I stopped but didn't turn. I don't know why but my heart did a little somersault when he called me to wait. I felt gentle hands touch my shoulders and my wolf reacted.

I was affected by the touch just like my wolf. My cheeks tainted red and I felt warmth engulf my whole being.

I closed my eyes and leaned in. He didn't say anything, he just held me.

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