Chapter Twenty-Five: The Rescue

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"Heroes make us smile because they not only rescue us outwardly, but inwardly too."

-Richelle E. Goodrich


Nicolai's POV




These emotions consumed me as the minutes passed. Honestly, I couldn't really clearly describe exactly how I was feeling at the moment. I was furious at Arthur but I was also furious at myself. I just couldn't come to terms with the fact that I had allowed this to happen to my mate.


What kind of a mate was I if I couldn't even protect my other half?

I felt as if I have let my mate down. I hadn't made time for my mate. I had always been busy with my own things- not really grasping the fact that I had a mate and I needed to include her in things.

I should have been more attentive to her. More loving. More understanding and more tolerating. In my defense, it was to protect her and also to prevent myself from being heartbroken when she rejects me after finding out the truth about me.

I don't think I would be able to stand it should she rejected me. Maybe her rejection would be a sign to me. I sign to finally let go of it all.

"Can't you guys be a little faster?" I angrily asked the trio lagging behind me. Demetri, Jake and Travis had offered to come with me to go retrieve my mate from the clutches of Arthur and I hadn't had time to object so I agreed with them. There was no time to waste.

Demetri managed to get two properties owned by Arthur and it was possible he would have taken Alex to one of them. The first was amongst the main houses belonging to members of my pack and also the house he hadnt been in since the battle with Trevor. The second however, was located in a much more secluded area within my territory. It seemed the much probable place anyone would keep a hostage so thats where we were headed.

The four-man rescue mission was underway.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, the trio hot on my tail. I must say they were doing really well considering I was moving very fast. I stopped running when I got to the edge of the woods surrounding the little cottage. We all shifted back into our human forms and spotting a paddle of water, I started coating myself with mud.

This was so I could disguise my scent and prevent whoever was in there from catching on to my smell very soon. Not that it would completely get rid of my scent but itd buy me some time as they wouldnt be able to catch unto my scent earlier than I wanted them to.

An Alpha's scent wasnt easily disguised.

From the corner of my eye I saw Demetri, Travis and Jake do same. I guess they had caught unto what I was doing.

"Travis and Jake, you guys should take the back. Survey the place to ensure theres no one and come through the back. Demetri and I will start from the front. We should meet at the middle. Anyone who so much as gets a whiff of my mate's scent should mind link me. Go on now." They all nodded and bowed to me before leaving. Demetri and I also made way towards the front of the cottage.

"The plan is simple. Find Alex. Kill whoever is here. Bring Alex back home with us." I mind linked the guys as Demetri and I also entered the cottage. I just prayed Alex was alright-well as alright as she can be given the circumstances. 

The cottage was nothing to write about. The room that was supposed to be the living room was virtually bare. No sofas, no TV set, no centre table nothing. Absolutely nothing that showed here was supposed to be a living room. Well there was a single armchair in the room.

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