Chapter 7

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Having Niall back at school has made things so much easier for me. Ever since Taylor and Chris have officially been dating it's like I don't exist to her. It's not like Taylor is my only friend, there's a huge group of us, I'm just not as close to any of them as I am with Taylor.

I walk into the cafeteria, looking around for Niall, when I see my friends, Claire and Emily, sitting on opposite sides of Drew and he has his arms around both of them.

It's hard avoiding Drew at school considering he's apart of our group. He hasn't talked to me since the party and he has never given me the chance to explain myself.

"Hey Millie! Where's Niall?" Claire asks me as I walk past them.

"I'm not sure. He told me he'd meet me in here but I haven't seen him," I shrug. "Why? Do you need to ask him something?"

"Oh no, uhm...we've just heard through the grape vine that Niall came back from boarding school and he's totally not now, and Emily and I want to see." Her and Emily both giggle.

"No one is hotter than me ladies, I hate to break it to ya," Drew says smirking at me. I roll my eyes at him

"Well, Niall has always been hot," I fire back at them ignoring Drew's cocky comment. I go and take a seat further down the table. Niall needs to hurry up and get here so I'm not alone.

I'm sitting in our usual spot that my group hangs out at and I always take the seat facing the window. I look up from my lunch and spot Harry sitting in that garden again, but he's not alone. He's with Lily Trier and some guy I don't know with jet black hair and a few tattoos. I've never seen him before which is odd.

"Boo!" Someone comes up behind me and grabs my sides. I nearly jump out of my seat and turn around to face Niall.

"Jesus, Niall! You're going to give me a heart attack!" I put my hand over my heart.

Niall throws his head back and laughs loud, making an echo in the cafeteria.

"Sorry, Millie. You just looked so out of it I couldn't help it." Niall says taking the seat beside me and pulling me into a hug.

"It's not okay. Don't ever do that to me you know how easily frightened I am." I go to hit him but he grabs my wrists.

"Let go!" I demand but let out a smile.

"Never!" I try to fight Nialls grip but he's just too strong.

I start to laugh. "Niall! Let me go!"

"I'm never gonna let you go," Niall says while laughing with me. He loosens his grip on my wrist but still holds onto it. Instead of fighting me, he pulls me by my arm into him and he wraps his arms around my shoulders.

"I'm glad you're back Nialler," I mumble into him.

"I'm glad to be back Mills." He looks down at me smiling.

"Hey Niall! It's been so long since we've seen you," Claire says while her and Emily take the seat across from Niall and me. He let's go of me and I sit back up.

"Yeah it's been a while since I've seen anyone here," Niall runs his hand through his tossed hair and chuckles.

"Did you like your trip?" Emily asks beaming at him.

"Hell no! I mean it was fun and I learned new stuff but I missed everything I had here." Niall winks at me and I give him a small smile.

"There were like no girls there huh?" Claire says while twirling her hair.

"No. I mean that's the point of an all boys school?" Niall responds, almost like he's asking a question.

"Wow...that must have been so hard. Maybe Claire and I can help you catch up on what you missed out on," Emily says to him batting her eyelashes. Her voice sounds very promiscuous.

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