Chapter 8

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"This is stupid," Harry said while throwing his pencil across the table. He crossed his arms over his books and lied his head down.

"It's not stupid Harry. You're-"

"Stupid?" Harry interjected.

"No. That's not what I was going to say at all. I was going to say you're just not fully applying yourself," I explain. I grab his pencil off the ground and lightly touch his shoulder. He lifts his head up and takes the pencil out of my hand while glaring at me.

"Are you gonna growl at me too?" I joke with him.

"Huh?" Harry turns his head and looks at me like I'm crazy.

"The look you gave me; you looked like you're about to growl at me. Or kill me." I laugh softly.

Harry raises an eyebrow at me, "I was thinking about it."

I stare back at him blankly. Harry let's out a little laugh and nudges my arm, "Geez Millie, I'm joking with you." He looks at me while smiling. I feel like I've never seen him smile...and he has a perfect one at that. I don't know why but it makes me melt. His smile just looks so genuine, so angelic, so...

"Okay it's 7! We can leave now!" Harry puts all of his stuff away and grabs his book and my book. This is our 4th tutoring session together, and sometimes during math class I'll go to the back of the classroom to help him. We've become closer but we're not close. We're not on a personal basis, but now he'll talk to me sometimes in class and he'll give me a small smile in the hallways. But I was taken by surprise when he grabbed my book for me.

"What? Why are you staring at me like that?" Harry asks me.

I shake my head, "Oh, I don't know. I...I was just surprised that you're going to like..carry my book for me."

He scoffs. "I'm not an asshole Millie. Sometimes I can be a gentleman. Now let's get out of here!"

I grab my satchel and follow behind Harry. He opens the door for me and I smile at him as I walk ahead of him.

Harry catches up to me and he walks alongside of me out to the parking lot. I discreetly look up at him, he completely towers over me. I don't even know if my head is past his shoulder. He has such a tall, lean shape. Almost like some type of model. I can't believe I'm admiring him right now, but he is one beautiful man.

"Oh shit!" Harry grabs my hand and pulls me in a different direction, stopping me from my thoughts.

"What's going-"

"Shh!" Harry shuts me up. He finds a door and darts towards it, pulling me inside with him and closes the door behind us.

We're in some type of closet. An extremely small one. I think it's a janitors closet but it seems too tiny to even be used for that purpose. So tiny that my back is against the door and Harry's is against the other wall and we're practically pressed into each other.

"Harry what the hell!?" I start to raise my voice. He quickly covers my mouth with his hand.

"Just...just be quiet for like a few minutes!" He orders me, while keeping his hand over my mouth.

I can hear footsteps outside the door and muffled voices. The foots steps and voices soon fade out, leaving it completely silent. I'm suddenly aware of how close Harry and I are together. My forehead is almost touching his chest and Harry still has his other hand loosely holding onto mine.

I look up at Harry and I see him look back and forth a few times.

"Okay..I think we're good." He says and looks down at me. For a minute we're just standing there, pressed against each other in complete silence, the only thing I can hear is us simultaneously breathing.

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