Day 1: What do I do?

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So, you just created your account and you're wondering what the heck you should do on Wattpad. Well, let me show you the way. Wattpad 101 is a book full of writing advice, commentary, ranting, and explanations on writing and navigating the Wattpad website. Here's your "get started" list.

Make a Profile

The first thing you want to do is fill out your profile. Don't fill out my profile like I filled out my profile, like really fill out your profile. People like it when you say things in your description. They want to get a sense of who you are as an author or a reader. Also, make sure to put up a profile picture. It doesn't have to be you, but anything that separates you from the stock photos would not go amiss.

Decide What You Want to Do

Decide whether you want to write, critique, edit, or just read. Some people never create a piece of art yet have tons of followers because they help other people. This is a social website as much as a writing website. However, keep in mind that people are using this site to write and presumably get better at it. Just decide what you want to do, because it is going to dictate your behavior on here. Mind you, you can do all four of the above, so don't think you need to limit yourself.

Post Your Work Slowly

Post a piece of work, but only the first chapter. Have a completed book? Don't just dump it on here. It won't get very much attention. It's better to launch your work slowly. Make sure you have good and relevant tags. Also make sure your work is properly tagged. If you have any desire to have your work seen, don't skimp on using all the tags. Remember, this step isn't necessary if you don't have work or don't plan on putting work here.

Join The Social Groups

This advice is regrettably only applicable to website users. Find things you're interested in. Use the discovery, setting and explore your community. You have to join groups to discuss things in the forum, so join every group you plan on posting in. Learn the ins and outs of the forum. Read the rules before you start posting. Don't start asking annoying or frustrating questions, like "will someone read my book". Doing that is against the rules and while it may get you some reads, it will ensure just as many people never touch your book as well.


If you want to critique, post in the critic's post in the writing improvement thread. If you want to edit, do the same (I explain how in the chapter "Getting Help on Wattpad") Don't create your own thread demanding edits and reads, and don't encourage the trolls who keep creating threads demanding edits and reads. If we let them go rampant, it would honestly destroy the forums and make them unusable. If you put an ad for a critique, expect to be swamped with dozens upon dozens or requests. People are always looking for critiques and edits, so be ready to close before you have more than you can handle.

Make Requests

If you want edits/critiques you may need to send out dozens of requests. You can't pm one person and expect a response. People are busy, AWOL, etc... So, just send out a few dozen requests and come back the next day to see who is interested. It may not be instant gratification, but you need to get past that real quick if you want to do well in this Wattpad.

Be Active

Read, comment, follow, and star. Many people only take notice in people who take notice of them. For the best results, look for people who are actively posting updates to their stories. Read the story, and then make thoughtful comments. Engage the author and ask them questions about the story to get the author to respond back to you. Interacting with people like this is how you get reads and follows. Once they know you, they may become interested in seeing what you've written. There are also lots of people who will follow anyone who follows them. (Not saying this is a great practice, just saying it is what it is).

Have Fun!

Enjoy Wattpad and keep coming back here for updates for the how to guide for navigating Wattpad.

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