Describing Bodies

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It was a lot harder to find words for individual body parts, so I know this list is a lot less complete than describing faces, and that's saying something. So whomever wants to throw me a few more, I'll take them.

Well, I described faces, I suppose it was only a matter of time until I hit bodies as well. In all honesty, unless you're writing a romance where you want to fill it with every detail of your partner's body, I don't really see the need to go in depth in most cases. Bodies are hard to see under clothing, usually, and even if you can see the body perfectly, other than a general size or form (fat, tall, lanky, whatever), can you really describe one body from another? I guess some are hairy and some are not. Tattoos and piercings, of course. Anyway, I'm not much for going in depth on describing bodies.  

However, on character sheets and descriptions, it might be a good idea to have your character's body shape in your mind. So here we go!

Whole Body-  

Honestly, in 9/10 of cases, one of these one word descriptions is enough to sum up a body.  

Thin, Skinny, Scrawny, Gaunt, emaciated, slim, slender, lean, petite, slight, Stocky, Fat, Solid, Big, Plump, Chubby, Barrel-chested, beefy, brawny, built, bullnecked, muscular, burly, coltish, compact, full, gangling, gangly, hawky, heavy-set, herculean, Husky, Lanky, Leggy, Musclebound, Paunchy, Pear-shaped, Pigeon-chested, round-shouldered, slight, slightly-built, Strapping, Taut, thickset, well built, willowy, hourglass figure, a wisp, built like a brick, heavy built, big-boned, wiry, Fit, Apple-Shaped, Tube shaped, pencil shaped, diamond shaped, sound, debilitated, feeble, frail, sickly, weak, Hardy, Healthy, Sexy, Fragile, Hairy, Smooth 

And of course, you can always go by level of attractiveness.  

Ugly, Beautiful, handsome, gorgeous, pretty, lovely, stunning, attractive, good-looking, unattractive, nondescript, plain 


As I mentioned, I don't see a need to go much passed the area above, however, if you're really into more descriptions...In the end, most everything that works for arms, works for the legs. You'll just have to decide when an adjective doesn't work for one or the other. (Let's all agree your arms aren't bow-legged) 

Lithe, lean, lengthy, lofty, elegant, gangly, trim, langurian, muscular, strong, gentle, weak, slender, ripped, flabby, flimsy, bandy, bow-legged, fractured, broken, knock-kneed, long, short, fat, skinny, scrawny, skeletal, flabby, emaciated, smooth 

Other names for Arms or Legs: limb, appendage, biceps, extremity, guns, canons, gluts 


Calloused, ambidextrous, digital, flat-footed, fused, ingrown, manicured, pigeon-toed, club-footed, left or right handed, even, symmetrical, petite, soft, clean, fragile, rough, hard, smooth, weak, strong, skeletal


Please excuse me for a second, but here is a list of every other name for breasts. And let's hope it doesn't turn my rating into M.  

Bazookas, Bazooms, Beacons, Beanbags, Bebops, Betty Boops, Big Boppers, Bikini Stuffers, Billibongs, Blinkers, Bombers, Bombshells, Bon Bons, Bongos, Bonkers, Boobers, Boobies, Boobs, Boops, Bops, Bosom, Boulders, Bouncers, Bra Buddies, Bra Stuffers, Breasts, Bronskis, Bubbas, Bubbies, Buds, Bulbs, Bulges, Bullets, Bumpers, Bumps, Bust, Busters, Busties, Butterballs, Buttons, Caboodles, Cams, Cannon Balls, Cantaloupes, Carumbas, Cha-chas, Charlies, Chihuahuas, Chimichongas, Chiquitas, Coconuts, Congas, Corkers, Cream Pies, Cuhuangas, Cupcakes, Dingers, Dinghies, Dingos, Dirigibles, Doorknobs, Doozies, Double-Whammies, Dueling Banjos, Dumplings, Dunes, Ear Muffs, Eclairs, Eggplants, Enchiladas, Flapjacks, Flappers, Flesh Bulbs, Fog Lights, Fried Eggs, Fun Bags, Gagas, Garbos, Gazingas, Gazongas, Glands, Globes, Globlets, Gob Stoppers, Gongas, Goombas, Grapefruits, Grillwork, Guavas, Gum Drops, Hand Warmers, Handsets, Head Lamps, Headers, Headlights, Headphones, Headsets, Hefties, Heifers, Hemispheres, Hills, Hindenburgs, Honeydews, Honkers, Hood-Ornaments, Hoohas, Hooters, Hot Cakes, Hottentots, Howitzers, Hubcaps, Huffies, Humdingers, Hush Puppies, Jawbreakers, Jemimas, Jibs, Jobbers, Jugs, Jukes, Jumbos, Kabukis, Kalamazoos, Kazongas, Kazoos, Knobbers, Knockers, Kongas, Kumquats, Lactoids, Lip Fodder, Llamas, Loaves, LobLollies, Love Mellons, Love Muffins, LuLus, Macaroons, Mammaries, Mammies, Mams, Mangos, Marangos, Maraschinos, Marimbas, Mau Maus, Mausers, Meat Loaves, Meatballs, Melons, Milk Cans, Milk Fountains, Milk Shakes, Mmbos, Molehills, Mommas, Mondos, Mountain Peaks, Montezumas, Moo Moos, Mother Lodes, Mounds, Muchachas, Muffins, Mulligans, Mushmellons, Nancies, Nectarines, Niblets, Nibs, Nippers, Nippies, Nippleoons, Nippleos, Nips, Nodes, Nodules, Noogies, Nose Cones, Oboes, Oompas, Orbs Apples, Ottomans Balboas, Padding Balloons, Pagodas Bangers, Pair Bangles, Palookas Bassoons, Peaches, Peaks, Pear, Pects, Peepers, Pillows, Pips, Plums, Pointer-Sisters, Points, Pokers, Polygons, Pompoms, Pontoons, Potatoes, PT Boats, Pumpkins, Rangoons, Rib Cushions, Sandbags. Satellites, Scones, Scoops, Set, Shakers, Shebas, Shermans, Shimmies, Silos, Skin Sacks, Skooners, Smoothies, Snuggle Pups, Spark Plugs, Specials, Spheres, Spongecakes, Spuds, Stacks, Stuffing Casabas, Sugar Plums, Sweater Meat, Sweater Puffs, Sweet Rolls, Tahitis, Tamales, Tartugas, Tatas, Tattlers, Teats, Tetons, Thangs, Thingumajigs, Tidbits, Titbits, Tits, Titters Domes, Titties, Doodad, Tom-Toms, Tomatoes, Torpedoes, Tortillas, Totos Dugs, Twangers, Tweakers, Tweeters, Twin Peaks, Twofers, Tympanies, U-Boats, Umlauts, Wahwahs, Zeppelins, Zingers

And if you must describe them?

You can describe the size, I suppose. Also...

Supple, soft, boyish, classy, well rounded, floppy, ample, filled-out, endowed, pleasingly plump, top-heavy, busty, loaded, full-bosomed, full-figured, stacked, chesty, buxom, bosomy, bodacious, big, small, medium, sagging, spotted, aging, flat-chested, curvaceous, aching, swollen, bare, bared, beautifully formed, brazenly exposed, burgeoning, burning, creamy, eager, firm, flushed, free, full, glistening, hard, hardening, heavy, honey soft, jiggling, jutting, lush, magnificent, naked, pale, pendant, pert, pink-tipped, plump, rosy, round, rounded, sensitive, shimmering, still blossoming, taut, tender, throbbing, thrusting, voluptuous.

P.S. I'm not some pervert or something, the reason these lists are so much larger? Well... it turns out there are a lot more complete lists on breasts than any other anatomy of the body. You can thank the internet for that.

And for a male chest?

Pects, pectorals, man boobs, moobs

Barrel-chested, smooth, formed, hard, solid, hairy, rugged, muscular, sleek, soft, supple, taut, firm, rippling, massive, big, thick

Nipples - You're on your own.

Abs/Stomach region-  

Hardened, bloated, swollen, muscular, pregnant, emaciated, skeletal, thin, scrawny, big, round, fat, refined, hard, rock-hard, six-pack, fit, engorged, robust, rotund


Other Words for Buttocks -  

Backside, behind, bottom, bum, butt, derriere, buttocks, fanny, haunches, hindquarters, posterior, rear, rump, seat, gluteus maximus, ass, tush, tail, buns, keister, heinie, can, booty, arse, tuchus, junk in the trunk, patottie, pooper, caboose, badonkadonk

And the descriptions:  

Curvaceous, apple bottom, big, small, large, flat, bodacious, hard, soft, tight, nice, voluptuous, kissable, juicy, flabby, cushiony, plump, bubbly, bubble, skinny, humungous, ghetto, proportioned, round


Haha! No... Just No... if you're looking to widen your adjective base to describe sexual organs... you are currently on the wrong site.  


You can also describe the skin of the body. Or on basically any body part, you can apply the description of the skin to the body part. So someone can have greasy hands, or baby-soft arms, or ivory legs... so on and so forth.  

acne-prone, aged, aglow, alabaster, albino, amber, artificially tanned, baby-soft, bisque, blemished, black, brown, blemishless, blistered, blistering, blushing, bronze, burnt, butterscotch, buttery, calloused, chalky, chocolate, cinnamon, clammy, clean, clear, coffee, cracked, cream-colored, creamy, damaged, damp, delicate, dewy, dimpled, dirty, doughy, downy, droopy, dry, elastic, embellished, enviable, even-toned, facial, fair, fine-grained, firm, flaccid, flaky, flawed, flawless, fleshy, flushing, frail, freckled, fresh, fresh-faced, fuzzy, glowing, gorgeous, greasy, hairless, hairy, healthy, heavenly, ideal, imbued, impeccable, inflamed, irritated, itching, ivory, kissable, leathery, limp, lined, lithe, loose, lovely, luminescent, lumpy, luscious, made-up, malleable, marked, mature, milk, moist, moisturized, mottled, old, olive, oozing, pale, pallid, pampered, paper-thin, pasty, peach, peaches-and-cream, perfect, pinched, pink-cheeked, pliable, plump, pock-marked, porcelain, protected, puckered, puffy, raised, raw, reddened, resilient, ridged, rosy, rouged, rough, rubicund, ruddy, russet, sallow, satin-soft, scaly, scarred, scratched, sensitive, sensuous, shadowy, shaved, sickly, silky, silky-soft, slogged, smeared, smooth, smudged, soft, softened, sore, sorrel, speckled, splotchy, spongy, spotless, stained, stiff, stripped, stubbly, sun-kissed, sunburnt, sunny, supple, svelte, swarthy, sweaty, swollen, tan, tanned, tarnished, taught, taut, tender, textured, thick, thickened, thin, tinged, tinted, toffee, toned, translucent, unblemished, uneven, unlined, untouched, unwrinkled, vanilla, veiny, washed, weathered, wheatish, white, windburned, worn, wrinkled, wrinkly, yellow, yellowish, yielding, youthful

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