Chapter 13

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WOAH!! who is this stranger!!  I am officially back, so expect more uploads, if I'm not to exhausted from school work. And no I was not dead, if I was then I would be a zombie right now, but here is another chapter... Thought that I would bless you guys with this one!! haha it's nothing special, just more waiting around but everything that happens after this chapter will be so dramatic that you will have to hold your breath every time you read a chapter.. Not joking -____-



(I'm not writing 'Anthony's POV' anymore because Andrew won't be back for awhile.. OOPS!! Spoiler alert.. I hope you didn't notice lol)

"Oh Andy, silly girl you can't get through there." I cooed at the little determined puppy.

I was sitting at the kitchen table watching Andy trying to run through the screen door. She found the outside world so fascinating. 

It all started when I opened the door to let the fresh air in, she smelled it, and went to lay in front of the screen door; then ten minutes later she got tired of just watching the rain fall, and I guess she wanted to see it first hand.

So for the past fifteen minutes she has been trying to break through the screen door by running into it. I know you may think I'm cruel by not letting her outside and just watching her bang her head every few seconds; but it was raining and I just gave her a bath so I didn't want her to get dirty. I guess I should close the door then?

But I didn't want to, because she looked like she was having fun. AH! Inner turmoil..

I turned to my computer on my left and started to search through google, looking for nothing in particular, just searching. I happened upon the news page that was posted the day of Andrew's accident. I haven't read this article yet, I saw it, but was to afraid to read it.

I started with the first line,

     A gruesome accident took place today on Old Mill Rd. just south of Johnathon St. The accident involved two trucks, one of which ran a red light. Both drivers survived the accident, but one was rushed to intensive care at St. Judes Memorial. 

I stopped reading right there, something caught hold of my chest. It was happening again; that intense pain that came across me when I thought of Andrew, all alone. I wasn't there for him when he needed me.

I was with some other guy. What kind of person does this make me?

I looked at the first line of the story again, 'Old Mill Rd.' What was he doing in that part of town. No one we knew lived there. This troubled me for some reason. He could of just went to the store out there, but I can't think of any reason why he would go that far. 

I shut my computer and got up from my desk. I dragged myself to the couch and slumped down into a laying position. Andy saw me and ran over to me, jumping onto the couch with me. She licked at the tears that were now streaming down my face.

"Daddy is fine Andy." I whispered to her.

I didn't realize I fell asleep until I awoke from someone knocking on the door.

"Open the door DAMMIT!" I heard a familiar voice yell.

I got up from the couch with a sigh and walked to the door.

"Yes mother?" I said opening up to her bright and shining face.

"Well, don't just stand there like a confused straight guy, come give your mommy a hug!" She bellowed.

Dreams of Deception (BoyxBoy) [Book II]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin