~Chapter ten~

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Adeline's opened her eyes, looking at the wall... it was very early morning.

She smiled, realizing her position with Rylan. He had obviously pulled her closer in the night and now they slept spooning, a few inches apart, she was holding one of his hands and the other stayed draped over her waist. If he was awake, she knew he'd be freaking out, she savoured the moment.

She opened her eyes properly and Brody was sat in the corner of the room of his laptop. He noticed she was awake and smiled.

"Are you okay? Sorry, I know this is a bit weird. He's doing good though." He asked quietly and she nodded, peering over at the time. 8.10 am.

"Was he okay?" She asked, slowly sitting herself up, Rylan pulled away in his sleep, still keeping her close. He was a very heavy sleeper. Brody nodded.

"Ryan thought he was going to have to wake you up, he started moving around a bit and saying stuff..." He explained. "But apparently he pulled you closer right into his chest and just snuggled up and stopped." He smiled and Adeline smiled, laying back down.

"Do you think you'll have to wake him?" Adeline asked quietly.

Brody shook his head. "I doubt it, he's had a good night, I'll just stay until he wakes so we know you're safe."

Rylan peeled his eyes open, panicking a little and pulling away from all forms of touch, he turned over and buried himself in the sheets calming down.

"Hi." He mumbled, his voice deep and croaky from just waking up. He reached for her hand.

"Brody." Rylan addressed him, sensing he was there. "Everything was okay?"

"I was just telling Adeline, you had a bit of a moving round and started talking at one point, but instead of getting worse and thrashing around you actually just pulled Adeline closer and snuggled into her... Ryan was on patrol at that point, but apparently, you slept like a baby." He explained and Ryan smiled.

"I shall be off, shout if you want anything." Brody left the room, closing it before him.

"Hi," Rylan repeated.

"Hi, sleepyhead." He rolled over to face her.

"I feel so good." He admitted. "I haven't slept properly in months."

"We should probably get up," Adeline mumbled, yawning.

"No, we should stay here forever." He replied and she smiled, nodding.

His top had moved up slightly during the night and she moved her hand to his bare waist, touching him gently.

"This is amazing." He whispered, turning onto his front. Her hand hovered over his back under the duvet. "You're fine... Just be gentle, I'll tell you if it's too much." He told her, realizing where her hand was.

"It's okay." She moved her hand back to his waist.

"You're going to see it at some point." He admitted and she shrugged.

"I need to go for a feed." He said out of the blue.

"What does it feel it when Lucius is... Hungry?"

"It's more thirsty... He seems to like the smell of your blood, but that's off bounds... For now." Rylan turned back onto his stomach.

"I'll just drink a blood pack." He said stretching.

"What I don't get is if you are like one-third vampire, how do you go out in the sunlight and eat garlic and be around people and stuff?" She asked smiling.

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