~Chapter twenty-two~

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"Hmm?" He asked, confused. He was hovered over her body, holding himself up.

"You have to turn me?" She easiest her voice slightly and it's clear she's not happy.

He doesn't respond, just closes his mouth. She pushes him off of the top of her and she stands firmly at the side of the bed, looking annoyed at Rylan. He flinches from the rough push on his chest, shaking it off.

"Adeline, it's the only way-"

"I don't want to be a vampire. I'm not doing this!" She tried to walk away but Rylan sprints in front of her.

"I have to mark you as both, and that kind of means turning you... I have to bite you as a vampire, so I can control myself, as well as just my wolf, beautiful... Please, Adeline, this isn't a big deal!! I'll help you with it! I'll help you control-"

"You're serious right now?! You weren't going to tell me that you have to turn me? I don't want to become a fucking vampire..." She says raising her voice again and he tries to calm her down.

"Please...ADELINE. PLEASE. Let me talk." He shouts and she stays quiet. "It's the only way I can mark you so that we can finish the mating bond... You'll have two marks instead of one. It is not my choice, that I'm a hybrid, trust me... I'm only now learning to control it, but I can help you... This is something new for us both, you'll be thirsty and that, but it won't change you as a person. I promise you, it will be difficult at first, but it's easy to control once you've gotten the hang of it." He finishes and she shakes her head.

Adeline runs from the room, with anger in her step. She bolted down the stairs and out of the front door, Rylan a few close steps behind her. The rain outside hits her skin and instantly cools her anger. She runs towards the forest, ignoring Rylan's calls for her to come back. She begins to strip, taking of clothing item by items, it's lucky they live right by the forest. She takes one look back and Rylan who has stopped running and watched her run, before jumping and shifting mid-air, Rhea landing expertly on the forest floor and bounding into the trees.

"Honestly, I thought that would go worse." Brody says, walking up behind him. "Sorry, werewolf hearing." He says patting Rylan's shoulder.

"Maybe I should have handled that differently." Rylan mumbles looking out into the forest. "Should I go after her?"

"Leave her to have some space, put some clean clothes for her by the door. She knows how to take care of herself." Brody told him. "She needed to know man."

A few hours later, a soaking wet Adeline returned to the house, Susan was preparing dinner and her mum ran up to her giving her a squeeze.

"You're okay?" She asked, and Adeline nodded.

"Just needed some air." She nodded. Rylan walked up to her and she wrapped her arms around him. "Sorry. And thanks for the clothes." He nodded, knowing she needed space and time to adjust to this.

"You know you need to check with Dr. Isaac how it's going to work... You have to mark her, turn her, and mate in the same night... That's going to work." Brody pointed out.

"Will I turn straight away?" She asked.

"It takes about 4 days, your body will have to create another form, and you'll be given one. You'll go unconsciousness for 4-5 days while your body adjusts, and we'll put a drip in your arm with blood and stuff." Rylan explains... "but you'll start changing about 10 hours after I bite you... plenty of time alone" he winked and his mother scrunched her face up slightly, Tyler and Brody laughing.

"None of that with my daughter thank you." Her dad said with a smile. "Ah what it is to be young." He grabbed her mothers hand giving it a kiss, love still in their eyes.

"Rylan, we do not need to know about your plans." Rylan's mum warned, grinning to herself.

"I didn't go into that much detail, I'm just saying!!" He paused, looking at the clock, " I have my appointment with Isaac today, I have a blood test and it's just to check how Lucius is doing, my blood levels and stats have to be checked every week." He explained and she nodded.

"What time?" She asked.

He peered up at the clock and swore. "I'll leave now. Wanna come?"

They walked together across the pack lands, under a large umbrella. It was still a shock to Adeline how big their pack lands were. They made their way to the medical building and Rylan was admitted into the first room with Dr. Isaac.

"Rylan, or should I be saying alpha and Luna now?" He asked smiling. He shook Rylan's hand and nodded towards Adeline.

"You've heard then?" Rylan took off his jacket, Adeline reached out to hold it for him.

"Yes. I'm sure Brody only told the people he needed to, but yes... I heard. Congratulations."

"No worries, everyone will know we're taking over soon, won't they?" He said smiling, taking a look at Adeline before turning back to Isaac.

"Right, blood tests. How's he been?"

"Fine, as usual," Rylan replied rolling up one sleeve.

"Your last results were normal, blood levels are good, and he seems to have a balance of hormones. Everything seems normal so far... He put on gloves and prepared whatever he needed, "There's less silver in your blood, keep taking those other pills I gave you... " He told Rylan quietly he nodded and looked away from the needle that Isaac pulled out from a sterile packet. "And the sleeping tablets?" He asked.

"Brilliant." He nodded.

It took a few minutes, but he pulled out the needle and did a few syringes full of blood before sealing them both up and putting a small cotton ball on Rylan's inner elbow.

"We'll check them, and I'll let you know how they are in a week," Isaac told him and he nodded, getting up and making his way from the door and taking Adeline's hand to lead her back home.

"Here is jonathans number, we spoke about him last week? I think you should meet up, I know you're busy, but it'll be good for you." He told him. Rylan's agreed, but he wasn't sure if it would bring back bad memories. They went through normal questions and suggested a few things, they got Adeline involved and just generally had a chat about how he was. When they were finished, they got up and began to leave.

They walked through the forest, the pretty way back home and walked slowly, taking in their surroundings and cherishing their alone time.

"I'm sorry I am trying." He said softly and she smiled.

"I'm sorry, I know." She replied and he kissed her head, making sure they were okay. "I'm trying too."

"I know... We can go to the house tomorrow and start moving stuff over... The bed should arrive tomorrow with some of the kitchen stuff and the rugs... we'll move all of our stuff over as quickly as we can." He told her and she shrugged.

"We can take our time." She told him and he sighed.

"My father isaggravating me... I want to be out as quick as we can... As long as you'recomfortable with moving." He checked and she nodded, wanting to be out ofhis father's way.

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