The Heroine?!

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Oh god. I can't believe that I met the heroine here of all places. And just why is she here? In the middle of nowhere?

"Um... hello," the heroine said timidly. I summoned as much of a smile that I could,

"Hi! My name is Serena! What's your name!"... I may have sounded a little too enthusiastic. But the heroine looked very relieved. 

"Um... my name is Mira. Mira Langley." Mira. That squashed my last, smallest hope that she was just a pedestrian walking by who happened to look like the heroine. Oh... I'm in some deep shit.

I summoned my best smile again, trying to keep my face from twitching. "Oh. What brings you here Mira?" The heroi-Mira started to play with her sweater,

"Oh, well, I was just walking by and wanted to look at the flowers. Bu-but I didn't th-think th-that I w-would see..." Mira trailed off and blushed furiously. I instantly perked my ears. If Mira fell in love with only one of them, then I could stop the hassle of avoiding everyone and focus mainly on that person.

"O-oh? W-what d-did you see?" I asked trying to hold in my excitement and anticipation.

Mira looked at me shyly again, "All of them." I nearly fell flat onto my face. S-she's aiming for the reverse harem route! Oh god! I'm gonna die~ I'm gonna die~ 

Who knew that this outwardly shy, cute girl was actually an ambitious seductress, aiming for a prince of the royal family and 3 of the most eligible (going to be) bachelors in the country!

"S-so, you like them a-all?" I tried to ask as if it was totally normal... which it was NOT. Mira nodded shyly. 

"And... if it isn't any trouble... you seem to be good friends with them all... could you help me get closer to them?" Oh, HELL NO. I'm sorry heroine, but you are going to have to do this all by yourself, I am NOT getting dragged into this.

I smiled politely, "I'm sorry, but I believe that I have something to attend to right now..." I trailed off, wanting her to get my underlying rejection. But no, the heroine being the heroine, totally did not get the meaning, and burst into squeals.

"So, this means that you will help me when you have the time!"

"U-um no... I don't believe that I had ever said that..."

"It was the underlying intention! What, will you not help me because you like one of them?" She accused. The difference in her beginning attitude and now was kinda scaring me...


"Then you are going to help me."

"N-no thanks..."

"What, why do you not want to help me! Are you just trying to bully a little girl like me?!"


"Then why?!"

I... gave up. No one would believe me if I said that if I got involved with her and the capture targets then I would die. To be honest... I'm just shocked by her sheer stupidity and denseness. Her tenacity and stubbornness is... kind of annoying. She is not the sweet, humble heroine that I thought she would be.

"Then you can help me when they all come here next week, for your match with the prince! And you can help me get along with them at balls!" Um... I'm sorry to burst your bubble little girl... but if I remember correctly your father is only a baron... you don't have anywhere near the social status to approach the royal family and the 4 Archduke houses... it is quite a shock that you even had the honor to see them in person... yet you are bossing me around like this...

"They... may not come next week..." I tried to protest weakly. Hell, even I knew that none of them would miss the match next week.

Mira shook her head, "No way. The twins find you interesting, Jared is your competitor, and your brother is in love with you." Aaaand I will conveniently interpret the last part as me being his big sister whom he cares about a lot. The other option is totally, absolutely, entirely impossible... Nope! Definitely not! Stop thinking about it! Cal is my cute, adorable little brother...

She continued, "So, during that time you can set me up with each of them individually!" I... totally got caught up in that girl's pace...

You might be thinking that I'm a push over, but I'm not! I just don't want to be seen as her enemy! Once that happens, I will never be able to escape the villainess route, AND I WILL DIE! It's definitely NOT because I find a little girl like her suspicious and scary~

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