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When Christian met with Serena's friends to discuss her joining the Student Council.

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"What? No way, I only want oniisama to do things that make oniisama happy. I would never do such a horrible thing to my precious oniisama."

"Oh, yes? Then does your precious oniisama know of your true personality?"

Cal tilted his head innocently. "I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Cut the crap. I know about your.... activities with other noble girls. I found it strange that your sister had absolutely no obstacles and so easily became the school idol. There should have been at least some opposition, but strangely all were quiet. What would happen if your oniisama found out about your seducing any girl you deem a threat to your precious oniisama? Your hard worked image would be ruined."

All signs of childish innocence disappeared from Cal's eyes as they narrowed dangerously. "You bastard. Don't you dare to lay a hand on Serena, got it? Or there will be hell to pay."

Chris raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"Oh revealing your true colors now are we? Alright, we have a deal."

""Fu fu fu~"" They both laughed together with matching brilliant smiles on their faces.


"I won't do it."

"Are you sure? This will be good for her."

"No way would I ever sell out my friend."

Christian sighed. "That's too bad. I guess I'll have to do this the hard way." He snapped his fingers and an underling appeared out of nowhere. Christian started whispering in his ear and the messenger kept on nodding before scurrying away.

Jared felt a bad premonition. "What... Did you just tell him?"

"Oh." Chris started smiling brilliantly. "I just told him to reveal all of Prince Jared's schedules, favorite hangouts, locker number, room number, and passwords. It would be such a travesty to have all of this information that most girls would die for and keep it all to myself."


"Oh, and some advice," Christian's smile widened. "I would be careful around Valentines day if I were you. There are some crazy psychos out there that will do anything to get what they want."

"You're a psycho!"

"Fu fu fu~" the devil's smile widened even further and sparkles started appearing in the background.



""What will I get?"" The twins cocked their leads in unison.

"I will give you dirt on Jared."





Birds of a feather flock together.

In this case it was fellow sadists.


Serena felt a chill run up her spine out of nowhere as she was picking up her books. What was that? She wondered, oblivious to the fact that her friends had just sold her out to the devil.

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