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"So, I found this really nice coat but it was two sizes large for me. But then I noticed it was a unisex coat and I thought I'd give it to you."

He chuckled at her introduction. "Hello to you, too."

"Oh, hi, " she smiled sheepishly before handing him the coat. "Is it your size? I kind of just guessed."

He tried it on and immediately felt engulfed by warmth. A sigh of relief escaped from him, which brought a broad smile to her lips.

"It's perfect, " he whispered.

"I thought you'd like it. Especially since you wouldn't have to worry that I paid too much for it. I got a discount."

That was true, but she would've bought it either way. He didn't deserve to be out in the cold, unprotected.

"Thank you, " he smiled at her and she felt her heart flutter. Just his gaze could make her entire body skyrocket, including her cold cheeks.

  When he noticed her cheeks flush, he couldn't help but grin. Before they had actually spoken to each other, he thought she was a serious yet elegant businesswoman.

  Now he knew that she was more.

  And she knew that he was more.

But he wondered why she was paying so much attention to him now. He was just a boy, a stranger. All he had done for her was tell her the truth.

  So, he decided to ask her. "Why are you helping me? I mean, I'm grateful but...I don't understand. Hot chocolate, sandwich, pancakes, and a coat? What for?"

  "You deserve it, " she responded and he furrowed his eyebrows.

  "How could you be so sure?"

  She shrugged, a hint of a smile on her lips. Then, she looked down at her watch and sighed. His body tensed when she reached out to fix the collar of his coat.

  "You look nice in this, " she murmured, just loud enough for him to hear. He gazed at her face while she fully buttoned his coat.

  Once her beautiful blue eyes met his green eyes, he was completely mesmerized. A smile spread across both their faces and sparks flew.

  "See you tomorrow, " she said before standing up and walking away.

  His heart longed to follow her and her heart longed to stay with him.

  But they could only cherish their short encounters, hoping for another.


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