Chapter Seven

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Media: Ales if he wore modern clothes. If you want more TVC pins, do head to my profile and check out my pinterest board!

Music of the chapter: Farewell to Earth by Audiomachine

Music of the chapter: Farewell to Earth by Audiomachine

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The journey to the Hall of Games was a long one. Cadence counted three days which mostly comprised of them sitting in silence, stopping at inns for food and bed, Ales stretching his limbs from time to time, and then back onto the road.

Today was no different. Cadence snuggled under Ales' cloak next to her brother. Ales was a large man; his cloak able to fit two people Cadence's size. Her brother coughed and hugged his chest, not wanting to let heat escape from the cloak.

Cadence could hardly keep her eyes open, yet she couldn't bring herself to sleep. Every time she closed her eyes, her father's headless corpse would crawl toward her, leaving a blood trail in the snow. To the side, the severed head rolled, crying murder at the top of its voice. She shuddered.

"There are several things you need to know before you step foot into the Hall of Games," Ales said.

"Like what?" Cadence had trouble stopping her teeth from chattering even with the cloak on. She wondered how Ales managed to keep himself warm even without his coat. The man looked as though he was sitting next to a toasty fireplace.

"Rules and regulations. Manners and principles," he said. "Tell me, what do you know about the Hall of Games?"

"It's the capital," she replied. "The heart of Moskava, mother Hall to the other five Halls."

Cadence had learned it all. The Hall of Games was the focal point of the nation. There were six Regions in Moskava, each Region had a ruling Hall, divided according to their segregated Affinities—the Hall of Warriors, the Hall of Spirits, the Hall of Elements, the Hall of Harmony and finally, the Hall of Shadows, but it was destroyed many years ago. Every Hall was led by a High Priest or Priestess, nobles of powerful Houses who passed down the title from one generation to another, people like Khazaria's family.

"Yes." Ales nodded. "You and your brother will stay in segregated camps. The Right Order is for Varya, the Left Order is for Murka. Both of you will share some similar classes, but most of the time, you will spend your training separately."

"Will I still get to see him?" Cadence asked.

"Definitely," Ales replied. "There are certain days where soldiers were granted permission to return to their families for an allocated amount of time, especially during important festivals. You can see your brother then."

Cadence didn't like the sound of the Left Order. What would they train a Murka to do? Murka lives did not matter. After all, they were just pawns. She looked at her brother, trying to decipher his thoughts.

At least one of use would be treated kindly in the Hall of Games. Cole deserves an encouraging environment. It wasn't his fault that we're traveling in this very carriage, accompanied by a Kesatria and a Mujarab.

Hall of Games [ REWRITE ] | The Varya Chronicles #1Where stories live. Discover now