Chapter Thirty

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Media: Cadence

"I see now," Khazaria said

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"I see now," Khazaria said. Cadence could see the cracks in her ruined face and the smile pulling at the scabs. "You're not an Affinity thief. No one would steal such foul powers. Turning you in to the Walker Hunter chasing you below would be my greatest pleasure."

"Khazaria." Cadence raised a hand, approaching her former Mistress carefully. "What are you doing here?"

Khazaria laughed in her shrill voice. "Are you seriously that stupid? My family might be dead, but I am still the master of a House of War. Lady Khavarosk sent me an invitation. How could I turn down a gracious invitation from House Khavarosk?"

The other girl circled Cadence. "What would they do to you, I wonder? I heard that they have managed to bottle the perfect Heartburner, a poison that works solely on Walkers and it will inflict the most unimaginable pain before it finally kills you."

Khazaria took a step forward. She leaned in until she was staring Cadence right in the eyes. "However, before I hand you over to that bastard, I would like a extract a confession.

A dagger flew free from Khazaria's belt. She removed it with such speed, Cadence only managed to dodge the attack before it sliced her cheek open.

"You killed my father, destroyed my mansion, took everything from me. I will never marry, no man would want a woman with a face like mine."

Khazaria's dagger was pointed right at Cadence's throat, backing her up until her waist hit the railing.

"I promise I'll amend everything," Cadence said. "I'll give you your father back."

Khazaria laughed scornfully. "Just because you're a Walker? That doesn't change anything. You took him from me. I cried for my loss, I mourned for him, you cannot fix what is broken. You made me suffer and you shall pay."

Khazaria flung herself off the balcony, cackling at the top of her voice. "I'm going to tell the world you're a Walker, churl! Walker Hunters will swarm you, and you'll wish you were dead when they are through with you!"

No. Cadence jumped off after Khazaria.

Khazaria was fast, blasting bursts after bursts of air behind her, propelling herself up the North tower, but Cadence had the upper hand. She threw up two tendrils of shadows, wrapping them around Khazaria's ankles and pulled her down onto the roof. Caught off guard, Khazaria smashed into the tiles, sending pieces of slates skittering off the roof.

"You want to fight?" Khazaria raised herself just as Cadence dropped in front of her. "You'll regret it, churl."

Khazaria threw back her hands, thrusting herself forward with two ferocious bursts of air behind her. She sliced through the air with her hands, throwing blade after blade of air at Cadence. Cadence pushed back with shadows of her own, forming a protective wall. The wall did little to shield Cadence. The blades of air sliced through her shadow barrier like a sickle cutting through corn stalks. Cadence tucked and rolled at the very last moment as Khazaria's attack made contact with the wall behind her, shattering it.

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