Chapter 8- Promise

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"Charming?" She whispers.

"Hey there, wanna get out if here?" I ask gently.

"W-what do you want from me?" She asks taking me by surprise. 

To be honest I was expecting her to run into my arms and let me take her away.

"I don't want anything from you, except your trust. Come with me," I push, "I will keep you safe, just come with me."

"Promise I won't have to come back?" She asks, her voice filled with vulnerability.

"I promise on my life." 

I extend my hand to her, and she hesitantly reaches her out to grasp mine. Feeling like she probably hasn't felt secure in a long time, I pull her in for a hug and she lets out a squeak of surprise. She stands stiffly in my arms like she doesn't know what to do, so I let her go. 

"Let's get you out of her Cinderella." 

I grasp her hand and lead her out of the room. Using my body to shield her from the men, I lead her out of the house and to my car. She still hasn't looked at me and I slowly reach my hand to touch her chin, but she flinches away.

"I'm not going to hurt you," I say like I'm talking to a wounded animal.

"Why else would you take me? You say you want my trust, but I think you really just want me to use all for yourself," she murmurs, and my heart aches for this girl, this sad, broken girl.

"I'm bringing you to my mansion. You won't have to work, and you can do anything you want, go anywhere you want, and you can have anything you want. I mean it." 

Finally, her head snaps towards me and she looks at me curiously before her expression turns to confusion.

"Why? Why would someone like you, want to help someone like me?" She asks, more to herself, but I answer her anyway.

"Because you just look like you need an out. A break. If I'm being honest, Janice really liked you and I think doing this would make her happy. And anyways, someone like you deserves better." 

"What do mean, someone like me?"

"Someone with a beauty that is meant for more than what it's being used for." 

My compliment causes a blush to creep up her neck and she drops her gaze. I grin at her even though she isn't looking.

"We are here," I tell her when we pull up. She looks outside and her jaw drops.

"It's... beautiful." She says in awe.

"Thank you," I say chuckling. 

We step out and she stands there and stares for a minute. Then she turns to me with a huge smile on her face that warms my heart. I'm surprised when she throws her arms around my neck and hugs me, but I quickly recover and hug her back. She pulls back, blushing greatly. 

"Thank you so, so much for coming to get me, Charming," she says shyly, dropping her gaze.

"Would you like me to show you to your room?" I ask, stepping into the house.

She just nods and follows me down the hall. I had Janice prepare a room for Brittney, I hope she likes it. Janice was ecstatic when she got the call that we would be having a guest. I open the door and she steps in, and again her jaw drops. She does a full three-sixty before turning back to me.

"Thank you again, Jake." 

My name rolling off her tongue sounds nice.

"You're welcome, Princess," I say turning to leave the room.

"Um," she says stopping me, "I noticed that there wasn't a lock on the door, and um I was wondering if I could get like one that only locks from the inside?" She asks nervously, a blush crawling up her neck.

"Of course, I'll have it installed as soon as possible," I say walking out of the room.



And he did have the lock installed promptly. The locksmith was here in an hour and gone in fifteen minutes. And there's no way to open it from the outside. My room is beautiful, I can't believe I'm here. I'm still wary of Jake, why would he want me here if not to work? But while he is being nice, I might as well capitalize.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Come in," I say quietly.

The older woman from Jimmy's steps in and gives me a warm smile. Janice, I think.

"Hello dear, I'm so glad your here."

"I'm glad to be here ma'am," I tell her honestly.

"Please dear, call me Janice. I was wondering if you would like something to eat?" She asks.

My stomach rumbles embarrassingly and a blush creeps up my neck.

"I would love something to eat." 

It's been a while since I've had a good meal. I leave that part out though.

"Come down in five minutes, the food will be ready," she tells me before leaving.

I fall back onto my bed smiling. There is no way to express what I am feeling, but the best word I can think of is bliss. Guarded bliss, but bliss, nonetheless. Getting up after about five minutes, I stand outside my door and realize, I have no idea where I'm going.

"Excuse me, where is the dining room?" I ask a maid that is scurrying by.

"Down the hall and to the left, ma'am." She says, smiling at me.

"Please call me Brittney or B," I tell her smiling.

"B sounds nice, my name is Clara." 

She extends her hand to me.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Clara." 

I take her hand and shake it.

"Well, I must go, but I'm sure I'll see you around." She says and walks away.

I hurry to the dining room and stop when I see Jake sitting there too. I didn't know he would be here.

Well, it is his house idiot.

His eyes snap up to meet mine and I instantly drop my gaze.

"Hello, Cinderella," Jake says.

"Hi, Charming," I say shyly. 

"Why don't you look people in the eyes?" He asks curiously.

"We'll save that conversation for another day," I tell him quietly, willing myself to look up I meet his eyes and am surprised to see genuine curiosity in them.

"Well then let's eat."

I honestly don't know if I'll tell Charming. I don't trust easily. After having your trust broken over and over, you give up on trying. My jaw drops when the maids bring out platters of food. I've never seen this much food in my life unless I was serving it. Not eating it.


Hola! How are you guys doing? I just got out of school a week ago which is awesome. It'll give me more time to write and hopefully, you guys are liking the book so far. If you guys are liking the book hit the little star at the bottom and share.

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