Chapter 2

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Dad walked in after timidly knocking on the front door. His new girlfriend was with him and sure enough she looked like one of those girls you find on the front of a magazine that you shouldn't have

"Hi brat, what ya get for your birthday." The women said smugly.
"a-" i was cut of before i could carry on
"I bet ya got loads of presents Hun, Little BRAT." She shrieked then laughed the most evilest of laughs.

Before i knew it Ryan stood between me and her while dad stood in the corner putting a box down then lighting a fag, he obviously couldnt care less.

"Don't you dare talk to my sister like that" Ryan told the women.
"What gives you the right brat 2?" She asked my brother. Before i knew it, my mum had taken over by shoving the woman and my father out the front door and locking it. They banged on the door for a few minutes but they both soon gave up and we heard the car drive away.

I held my knew phone tight and then i asked to go set it up with a bit of privacy. Mum allowed me and her and Ryan began making me a birthday dinner. I grabbed the box on the desk and ran upstairs, my new phone firmly in hand, trying not to cry. What had my father become?

I didn't really want to open his gift but i needed to, i left the new phone on charge and then i would set it up later, but for now...

I grabbed the broken old box and opened it slowly, regret spilling my brain as i looked at the content. There was a small note on top of a dead bird that had teeth marks in it. I read the note.
"Hi Lyra, we got a dog and this is its first kill, be greatful, i bet mum got you a phone with all the latest add on stuff, well i say stuff that. hate you..
PS: Your new step mum is amazing"
My new step mum! No way.

Before i knew it everything went black.


I was at the depressing wedding with my brother, it was horrible, being called a brat by every family member that was there. Mum couldnt come along but dad said he would sue her if we didn't come. Mum was afraid of letting us go at first but with the financial crisis we where in at the moment it where a too bigger risk.

Once the service finished me and Ryan escaped back to the safety of mums car and we drove home. We both hated the whole experience and i had to sleep in Ryan's room again. My body was aching and my thighs hurt, my Brian felt dead and all i wanted was to sleep but i knew that wouldn't happen. The dreams where coming back even stronger and i was spending almost every night in my brothers protective arms. I felt safe there

After awaking from yet another horrid dream, i felt strange and then i felt stranger. Something inside me told me not to go to my brothers room so i didn't, then my nightmare came to life...

My bones began bending into odd shapes and I squealed in pain as my spine became to big for my whole body. I felt my eyes physically grow twice the size and i felt my skull reform into a bigger. More dog-like face. I screamed and mum looked through the door and told me to stay calm.

I felt my thighs grow until i hit the ceiling, i then felt fur grow through my flesh and that's when i realised, i had been a werewolf this whole time!

This was my wolf and i looked in worry at my mother, i knew nothing about werewolves or anything in that genre! I glared at my mum as she transformed too.
"Its okay" she barked at me as she nuzzled into me.

After an hour i finally morphed back and felt even more weird. I felt the wolf physically talking to me from inside my body
"Thanks for finally giving in and letting me loose, i promise it wont hurt as bad next time." The wolf said.

There was going to be a next time! No no no no!

The wolf seemed to read my mind.
"I'm also stuck with you forever now so just so you know, your in control of me." I metaphorically tied it to a lamppost as it told me about wolves all the way through the night. I began thinking of a metaphorical nuzzle when it told me not to even dare.

I let it loose from the lamppost and it bounded around and let me get to sleep. the one thing i couldnt get out of my mind that it had told me about was mates...

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