Chapter 5

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Everyone around us almost slunk down under the desks just to get away from this boy.
"Who are you?" He asked as the tingles flew of in all directions.

I knew how hard it was to find a mate, let alone keep one. I knew some werewolves dedicated their lives to finding their mates and they still never find them. I didn't want to loose my mate. But he didn't seem to want me.

The boy walked of and the tingles reduced.
"Who is that Lunar?" I asked
"I can't say until he is ready." Lunar replied with a slight shake of her head.
"Let's just say, he's very important to us." She carried on.


After school i went home without any more encounters with the boy, i just couldn't get him out of my head. His brown eyes always showed such emotion.

It was weird not having Ryan around and mum was very emotional over it all.
"My babies are growing up!" She squealed in sadness into my arms. I just hugged her back and comforted her until i could escape up to my room.

When i finally got up to my room i had a sudden urge to go out and explored. I wanted to know a little about this place. Mum had gone out with her old friends by the time i walked downstairs, so i asked my grandparents.

"Can i go out and explore the town Gran?" I asked politely.
"Sure! just take your phone and call me if you get lost" She replied, concern in her voice.
"Okay gran, i will."

I hugged her goodbye and walked of toward the door. After getting out i naturally headed straight for the forest. It had some nice looking trees in it that i want to admit, i wanted to sniff them all.

Where are you? Are you there i asked my wolf.
Yea! what's up? Tilly replied.
oh i was just wondering, how would you like to go for a run? I asked casually.
REALLY!!! Tilly squealed in excitement.

I walked further into the woods and kept walking until i sensed there was no humans near and i let tilly loose to do what she needs
Don't panic Lyra! it won't hurt at all this time. She reassured me.

I began to run in my human form and we transformed mid run. I felt my bones shaping into the beautiful wolf that i was again. This time i actually kind of enjoyed the feeling.

I felt my head grow to 2x the size and then i was complete. I felt free.

I ran through the forest with my new found speed and sniffed at every tree. Then i came across one that had another werewolf's sent on. I sniffed at the sent and then sniffed the air. It hadn't been done recently but every breath i took in of it made tingles fly out of my body.

That's when i heard a twig snap and i began snarling without even thinking. i heard a low growl come from behind me so i turned around.

All i saw was a black and red blur go for my neck before i was sent into a deep sleep.


I woke up in my bedroom a little groggily. Was it all a dream?

I heard my mum scream upstairs for me to come down for breakfast and my next day at school, that's when my gran came in.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend here!" She winked at me
I looked up at her in shock with my blurry eyes.
"You what?" I asked
"He bought you in last night, he said you fell asleep on his couch." My gran exclaimed.

I gave her a confused look and i was about to tell her that i don't have a boyfriend then that was when i realised what happened last night was not a dream.
"Don't worry i won't tell your mama" She told me in her Scottish accent.

She walked out the door mumbling to herself. Maybe she was just crazy?

I pushed myself up in bed to find i was stiff and there was a sting of pain in my left shoulder. What had happened?

I walked up to a mirror and took my shirt of. There was a mark in a sort of clover shape. I knew about these marks, they are what mates do to them to tell them that no one else is allowed me, It's also in the shape of their packs emblem.

The boy must be in the Clover pack...

Sorry it was short mostly cuz u got 2 chapters in one day. Tryna create an upload schedule aswell so just enjoy the chapter ! ;3

Em X

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