Chapter 23- Dinner with the boys

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"Why don't we all go to dinner together." Jin suggest after you are all back in your regular clothes. The boys seem to think it's a good idea other than Yoongi of course. He seems tired. You walk over to him.

"What's the matter with you grumpypants?" You ask him. He looks at you an makes a pouty face that you find adorable.

"I really just wanted to go take a nap." He tells you. You laugh at the statement.

"Come on, if I have to go you have to go too." You say. He rolls his eyes at you and lets out a sigh.

"Fine, but you're gonna owe me for this." Yoongi says.

"Sure." You tell him, "Whatever you want." His face heats at the second part of your sentence and he turns and walks away. You scratch the back of your neck wondering what that could have been about.

"So let's go. (Y/N), tell your driver that you are coming with us." Jin says. You nod your head and pull out your phone before texting Myung. He is completely understanding and says if you need him he is only one call away.

"Are you excited (Y/N), you get to spend the whole night with me."Jungkook says completly out of no where. You look at him with wide eyes.

"What did you just call me?" You say. He looks confused.

"(Y/N)?" He recalls. You smile.

"Oh my gosh! You didn't call me Noona! This is some sort of heaven sent miracle." You say. The boys laugh at your mini outburst and you join them in laughter.

"Hey! The van is outside." J-hope calls from the door.

"I call sitting by my jagi!!!"Tae yells before racing out of the doors.

"I wanna sit by you."Yoongi says suddenly next to you again causing you to jump.

"Sure, I don't mine oppa." You say. He smiles but it is gone as quickly as it came.

"Didn't I tell you not to call me that." He says. You smile at him.

"What do you mean?" You say playing innocent. His smile returns and he shakes his head while laughing lightly.

"Nevermind. Let's go." Yoongi say. You follow him out to the van. Tae is in the back sitting at a window seat, you make your way next to him, and Yoongi sits on your other side. In front of you are the Jimin,Jungkook, and J-hope. Rapmonster has occupied shot gun while Jin is at the wheel. Once everyone is everyone is situated the car begins to move.

"What are you going to eat, Jagi?" Taehyung asks you. You shrug your shoulders at the question.

"I don't know. I'll probably have what you have." You tell him. "I don't know much about Korean food." Tae smiles his cute little box smile.

"I have the best taste out of all of us so you'll be good." He says. You laugh at his over confidence.

"Isn't Jin the one who cooks for you guys." You wonder.

"Yes he is. Taehyung is just trying to show off for you." Yoongi says at your other side. This makes you smile once again

"Does that make you upset oppa?" You question. He rolls his eyes at your remark and you let out a quiet laugh.

"Whatever. I'm gonna take a nap." Yoongi says then he leans himself up against you, his head on his shoulder, and his arms around your waist. You are shocked by the sudden contact and it causes you to jump.

"Yoongi? What do you think you're doing?" You say in a hushed voice. He looks up at you to, but he is already so close that your faces almost touch at the sudden action.

"I told you, I'm taking a nap." he says nonchalantly. You feel your face heat up due to the the closeness.

"Okay then." You say deciding it might be best if you just went along with it. Taehyung looks at you with a pouty face.

"How come Yoongi gets to sleep on you, my Jagi ? " he complains. You shrug at the statement which caused Suga to shift slightly.

"He's like a cat isn't he." You say with a small smile on you're face. " It's kinda cute" Tae's brow furrows at the statement.

"I'm cute." He says

"Not when you're jealous." You respond.

"I'm not jealous." He says.

"Yes you are Taehyung. We can all hear it in your voice." Jimin says from the row in front of you. Tae pouts and you laugh at his expression.  

"It's not the end of the world, trust me you'll be alright."  You say despite your laughter. He doesn't respond so you turn away from him and decide to focus on the music flowing out of the car speakers. To your surprise the music is in English.  The rest of the ride to the restaurant is silent between you and Taehyung. Yoongi of course isn't making any noise because he is asleep. So you are left to your thoughts along with the sound of music.

When the fan finally comes to a stop the boys pour out quickly. You however struggle with getting Yoongi to wake up. In the process of you nudging him, calling his  name, and poking on his face. His head lands in your lap, much to your embarrassment. You push him off as quickly as possible and he lands on the van floor with a thud and an 'oof'. When he wakes up he looks at you with a glare.

"Sorry Yoongi, you wouldn't wake up, I tried everything." You say with a apologetic look on your (s/c) face. He shakes his head as if he is shaking of the fall.

"It's okay." He  says before climbing out of the van. You follow him reluctantly, closing the door behind yourself. The two of you walk into the restaurant and join the other members. You and the boys sit in the very back of the restaurant in a booth. Much to your discomfort Jimin saved a spot for you. You take a seat beside him because you don't want to seem rude and aside from that he really was a nice guy. You just couldn't stand the tension between the two of you.  

"Thank you for saving a spot for me." You tell Jimin. He smiles at you. 

"Well I didn't want you sitting by anyone else. Tae and Yoongi already got to sit with you on the car." He says.

"And that bothered you?" You wonder. Jimin shrugs and glances at the menu in front of him before looking back your way. He stares into your (e/c) eyes momentarily before he answers your question.

"I'd rather that it had been me." He says. You feel your face heat up and you look away, using your menu to shield your face from his eyes. 

" (Y/N), is something wrong." Hoseok ask you. You look up at him over your menu.

"No I'm alright just trying to decide what I'm getting." You tell him. Just then the waitress approaches, saving you from further interagation. You've never been so glad to see a waitress in your life. She was going to get a huge tip after this. 

"Hello, I will be your server this evening. My name is Jennie. Would you like to start with a drink?" She asks you and the boys. They all order. You decide to get a mango smoothie with boba in it. She returns to the kitchen to retrieve the drinks. You notice that Namjoon keeps looking between you and Jimin as if he's going to find something out this way. It makes you squirm in your seat. You feel extremely uncomfortable. So much so that you don't even notice when your drink is placed in front of you.  

"(Y/N), you should try your drink."Jungkook says. You jump at the sound of his voice and turn to look at him with a confused look.

"Huh?" You question probably sounded like an idiot.

"Your drink." He says againg. You look at the smoohtie infront of you.

"Oh yeah, thanks." You say before picking up the drink. This was going to be a looonnnnggg dinner.

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