3. After all these years...

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Aria's POV

On the second day back in Mystic Falls, I decided to explore the town and at the same time to get some information about the gang, that is causing problems.

I was wearing ripped blue jeans again with sexy black top and jacket. I put my black and white sneakers on and left the mansion.


Okay.... So after all day of stalking the teenagers, with a little bit of Niklaus information, I learned some things about them.

Elena, the doppelganger, was with Stefan until Nik made him turn off his emotions and become a ripper again, but now she kissed Stefan's brother Damon and is "confused" about her feelings for him.

I would say that Salvatore brothers aren't very lucky. I mean, first Katerina, now Elena. People say that person doesn't make the same mistake twice. Well, this only shows that they're wrong.

I, personally, never liked any doppelgangers, but at least Katerina didn't pretended to be an innocent girl like Elena does. It's actually pathetic how both brothers can destroy their relationships over the girl, who's obviously playing with them.

But I can't really blame them. They are not the first, after all, that felt for Petrova's beauty. Nik and Elijah fell for Tatia a thousand years ago, but at least they didn't make the same mistake again. Well... Nik didn't...

Bonnie Bennett, Elena's best friend, who's dating Elena's little brother Jeremy Gilbert. Now this interested me, both girls are trying to find Bonnie's mother, who abandoned her while she was a child (mother goals), because it seems like one of Niklaus coffins is locked with magic and they can't open it, so they need help from another Bennet witch or something like that. I noted to ask later Nik, what is he keeping in that coffin, because I'm pretty sure that's not one of his brothers lying in there.

Caroline, the girl that Niklaus likes, is dating Tyler Lockwood, Niklaus' hybrid, who wants to resist the sire bond that he and Nik shares, so he asked Caroline's father for help.

Well, I only can say that Niklaus really messed up a few lives.

I was tired of stalking, so I just found an attractive guy and used him to quench my blood thirst. For the rest of the day I explored the town and did some shopping.


When I came back home, I heard Niklaus talking in the room, where family's coffins were. The conversation seemed interesting, so I made my way towards the room.

"I need you to stand by my side. Be my brother. Help me destroy Stefan and I promise you, our family will be whole again."

I stopped dead in my tracks, when I saw with whom he was talking.

"Elijah..." I gasped.

They both turned their attention to me. Nik patted his brother's shoulder and left us alone, while Elijah couldn't stop staring at me with wide eyes.

"Aria..." The way he said my name, send chills down my spine. He carefully made a few steps towards me and stopped only when we were two steps away from each other.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, all most in a whisper.

"Niklaus called and asked me to come back home." I tried to sound emotionlessly, but it didn't really worked.

"Are you going to stay here?" He asked again with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"I'm not sure... maybe..." I said not looking at him.

"I missed you, Aria." He said with a small smile and cupped my cheek with his left hand. It felt like thousands of fireworks blew up inside me when he touched me. Only now I understood how much I have missed his touch through all those years. I was about to lean in to his touch for more comfort, but before I could, I took a step back and let his hand fall down. I couldn't do this now, I can't forget what he has done to me. His slight smile immediately left his face and I saw sadness in his eyes.

"I know that I did some horrible mistakes. I believed in lies, left you. Used other women to forget you. And when you came and told me that you didn't cheated on me with Lucien, I still haven't searched for you when you left again." he talked looking away from me. "But I regret them all every day. Every day I think what our lives would be like, if I wouldn't have made those mistakes." He was looking straight in my eyes like searching for something.

"I do too, Elijah. But we can't turn time back." I said sincerely.

"No, we can't... But we can always start over." His voice was full of hope while my body tensed from the words he said. "And I'm willing to do so. The only question is, are you going to give me an another chance? Are you going to give us an another chance?"

Am I? I've been angry with him for about a thousand years. For a thousand years I tried to erase him from my head and heart, but I have never succeeded.

Maybe I should forgive him. Maybe I should at least try to start over. Maybe there's a chance for us to be happy together.

"Okay, Elijah. I'll try." I gave him my answer after a few minutes and quickly left the room.

I hope that I won't regret this...


Hello everyone!

So Aria meets Elijah and decides to give him an another chance! (I'm sorry if You expected something else.) But I'm still planning that they will take everything slow.

I didn't spread out about the lie that Aurora told Elijah, so just to make everything clear, Aurora told him that Aria was cheating on him with Lucien and he believed, because everyone saw that Aria and Lucien spent a lot of time together, after they came to Count de Martel's castle.

Hope You liked it! Let me know.

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