15. Grumpy

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Aria's POV

The second I got out of the car, I was pulled into bones crushing hug by Gisselle and Nicole.

I and Gisselle met Nicole in 1970's and we immediately became best friends. I have no idea how, because Nicole was different from us two. She was rebellious, crazy, sarcastic and stubborn one, but we all got along just grate and we are still best friends.

"Gisselle, Victor, Nicole, meet my husband Elijah." I motioned to Elijah. "Elijah this is my best friends Gisselle and Nicole and this is Victor, Gisselle's soon to be husband."

"Nice to meet you all." Elijah smiled at Gisselle and Nicole and shook Victor's hand.

Gisselle and Victor smiled back while Nicole rolled her eyes and muttered.

"Yeah, sure."

"Nicky." I looked at her sternly. She looked at me and sighed.

"It's nice to meet you too, but just so you know, I say that only because Aria wants me to." She said that while looking at Elijah, who shifted uncomfortably.

When Niccole and I became close, I've told her about Elijah's and my relationships and now I couldn't repeat all names that she called Elijah that day. The day before our arrival, I called her and asked not try to kill my husband once she meets him. Not that it's even possible. So I made her promise me that, but obviously she decided that if not killing, she will find her ways to show Elijah that she isn't keen of him.

After she said that and walked away there was a uncomfortable silence. Elijah cleared his throat.

"Don't worry about her. Nicky behaves like that, because I told her our story, so she doesn't really like you, but she'll come around soon." I smiled kissed him on the cheek. He just nodded, still feeling bad about what just happened.

"Let's come inside. We will show you your rooms." Victor said and we all followed him.

The place was renovated, but still looked much alike when I was here in 15th century. Victor and Gisselle showed us our room and left after wishing goodnight, because it was already 10 o'clock when we arrived.

"So what do you think of them?" I plopped on our huge bed and looked at Elijah, who was taking off his jacket.

"Gisselle and Victor are really nice and Niccole... I truly think that she hates me."

"No she doesn't..." I said and Elijah gave me a meaningful look. "Ok, maybe she does a little bit hate you, but as I said, she'll come around once she gets to know you." I walked towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"That good. Because I really don't want my lovely wife's friends to hate me." He smirked and hugged my waist.


The next morning I put on my black blouse with a v-neck line, cream pink trousers and same color heals. I and Elijah went downstairs to get some blood to drink and I truly have no idea how we ended up with me sitting on the kitchen counter with my legs and arms wrapped around Elijah, who was standing between my legs kissing me passionately.

We continued to make out for some time. When we pulled away, I saw Nicole leaning against kitchen door frame.

"Nicky!" I shouted. Elijah was so startled by her presents that he jumped away from me, so we weren't in the same position as before. I glared at Nicky for interrupting us.

Nicole walked to us, hoped on the counter next to me and threw her arm around my shoulder. Them she turned to Elijah and raised her eyebrows.

"You can go now."

Elijah stood there for a few seconds looking at her with confused face, but finally decided that to oppose would be worthless and left the kitchen. I turned to Nicky.

"Why did you did that?"

"'Well there's more important things than for you and him to infect this kitchen, especially when I love food so much." I hit her arm playfully.

"For example?"

"To plan Gisselle's hen party, duh." She hopped of the counter and took a blood bad from the fridge for herself and other one threw to me.


Most of the day I and Nicky were planing the hen party, but at the evening I, Elijah, Gisselle, Nicky and Victor, we all went to the restaurant.

We were casually talking about random things, while waiting for our food.

"Nicky, you know, it your turn now." Gisselle said with a smirk.

"Ha... I am many things, but being a babysitter for a grown ass man is not one of them." Nicole crossed her arms on her chest.

"One day you will find someone who you'll love to "babysit"." I said while looking at Elijah. He smiled at me and kisses me on the lips.

"Ewwww... Not everyone on this table are dirty dogs like you two, so stop." Nicky made a disgusted face. When she said that, Gisselle leaned and kissed Victor too.

"Oh come on guys! I've already seen today how Aria and Elijah were trying to make children in the kitchen. It's enough for you to traumatize me."

"No, Aria! Not in the kitchen!" Gisselle shrieked with horrified expression.

"She's lying, Elle! Oh and don't act like that, Nicky. Everyone on this table know that you're no nun either." I glared at her.

"First of all, you're saying this only because you don't want to profane your husbands name and second, I never said that I was a nun. I was just saying that I'm not a porno fan, that's it."

Elijah was absolutely horrified with this conversation, so he was super relieved, when the waitress brought our food.

But little did he know that this wasn't going to stop us.

"Oh for f*ck sake, stop lying! We weren't even close to having sex!" I started to get annoyed by her.

"Language, please, Aria. And I don't think that this conversation is appropriate here." He cut us with annoyed expression.

"And why do you think that yours and Aria's sexual life is inappropriate here. I think it's quite a good place to talk about it since you're back together." Nicole said loudly that even a few people turned to our table. Nicky was smirking, while Elijah was throwing daggers at her, for making him feel so uncomfortable.

My whole annoyance disappeared the moment I saw Elijah's face. I could have bet that he have never been in a situation like this.

"Aww don't be so grumpy, Elijah. You're such a cutie pie when you smile." I said that while tugging his cheeks like people do to little children.

Elijah was shocked by me, but then he playfully shoved my hands away from his face. We all laughed and started eating our dinner.


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