Chapter V ♥ Fight

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Above is Jacob Tremblay, who is both Prince Cornelius and Bartholomew ♥

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Cornelius and Bartholomew Darlington were not in the mood to deal with their parents on this fine Sunday, thank you very much. Instead they had both snuck out of the palace, on their own mind you, and had gone over to their only commoner friend: Andrew. Of course, the princes had an act of not being able to shut their mouths and Andrew was aware of their royal status. They had neglected to inform anyone that they had revealed their secret.

Luckily the commoner knew how to control his tongue.

"Pineapple on a pizza is a sin," Bartholomew said distastefully as he gnawed at the sweet pizza.

"If you hate it so much, then why don't you ban it when you're King?" Andrew retorted, his mouth full from the greasy food.

"Because we won't ever be King. Unless our sister is knocked off the throne or decides to leave herself, we won't ever have the chance," Bartholomew answered, reaching for another piece.

"But say it does happen: which one of you will then be the direct heir?" the commoner inquired, moving to check his phone for messages. Bartholomew answered by pointing his finger towards Cornelius, who was browsing through Andrew's mother's bookcase with a slice between his teeth. "Why?"

"Because he was the firstborn," the way Bartholomew said it was as if he had come to terms with his inability to ever inherit the crown and had accepted it.

"Didn't you have a C-section?" Andrew remembered being told.

"Yeah but they took me out first," Cornelius answered, returning to sit next to his brother and friend.

"So it's purely out of chance? That's a bit unfair," the twins agreed.

"But if something like that ever happens, we will deal with it. Most likely I will give up my claim to the throne. I do not think I will be able to handle something like that," Cornelius said, a bit dazed as he chewed. Satisfied, he grabbed another slice. There was a comforting silence as they ended the topic in their minds.

"So, you guys wanted to talk to me about something?" in one swift movement, evil grins appeared on the twins simultaneously.

"Yeah, we have a plan," Bartholomew began.

"It is a good one,"

"A very good one,"

"You will love it,"

"But it might get us in trouble,"

"But don't worry about that,"

"We'll handle it," Andrew kept looking between the twins, speaking sequentially. He sighed deeply.

"Alright. What is that you're planning?" they shared a look of mischief before turning to their fifteen year-old friend.

"We're going to prank the Royal Palace!"

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"Absolutely amazing!" Caleb commented as he took shots of my figure, poised on brick steps in front of his college. Somewhere, somehow, he had gotten his hands on a black tutu and fake piercings. I did not have any natural piercings, so it felt strange to have extra weight on places that once were not covered. My ears felt like an elephant's. "Now can you do a leap?" he asked me. I did the step about a dozen times before he got the shot he wanted and one which I was satisfied with. "What about a penché?" after two weeks of continues practice for the pas de deux, which Madame had yet to say for what, he caught up on some of the terms. It made my little princess heart flutter.

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