Chapter XI ♥ Wounds

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After that whole ordeal, I wanted nothing more than to go home and crawl beneath my sheets and die. Unfortunately, my life was decided for me as Ian didn't even give me an option. Of course he took me to the hospital. The whole check-in process was hilarious. I've never been to a hospital before, except for my own and my brothers' birth, but I'm pretty sure when this big hulky man comes in carrying someone that looked like me, there was a bit of a panic.

All of my battle wounds from the palace bush were disinfected and treated like normal wounds, wanting to make sure no bug got into the tiny open slits from the midnight air. The slits weren't big, but I think there might be the possibility that the fence got a good licking at me when I escaped as well. I was bewildered at what that fertilized army branches can do.

But those were maybe a one-point-five on the 'the hell happened here' scale, according to the night nurse. The five on this scale were my feet. My feet was covered in glass which I proceeded to push further into my flesh by walking on the totally clean tar roads barefoot. Because of this, these wounds got infected because of the bacteria I walked around on. Topping that, one of the glass pieces ran deep into my foot and made a cut that seemed to go forever. Instead of stitching it together, because it was located in my bridge, they treated it with surgical glue and rounded it off with tape around the feet which I'm pretty sure won't be able to come off without some power tool.

The seven-point-seven on the scale, was my hand. They had to remove the little glass shards from my palms but most of them I threw off in my walking but someone of them were really tiny and really sly. When I punched Caleb, which I think is my proudest moment, I did not actually break my hand. Instead I got a fracture in my metacarpal bone in my middle finger. Now I had to wear someone thing called a Boxer's Fracture Brace, as that is what my injury was called. You can guess why.

I spend the night, clearly, for observations to me made that most of the swelling went down. Which it did. Which made me glad.

But of course, now raised the true problems. I was stuck a night in the hospital. Of course my parents would find out about this entire fiasco, after all the palace called a man search on me and my mother had heard me scream. Maybe I could get her to pretend as if nothing happened?

But no. My father was out of the country at the moment which was a blessing in disguise, but if only he could drag my mother along. Unfortunately, I think they were having a bit of a fight with each other ever since the press conference.

So at seven the next morning, I heard a bit of a riot from outside of my room (Ian had made it very clear for me not to be placed into the ward) and I immediately knew that it probably had something to do with me. Sure enough, my mother stormed into the hospital with her crown on her head and demanded to be taken to her daughter. Real subtle.

Once the doctors and nurses figured out that I was the daughter, there was a bit of a silent atmosphere throughout the hospital quickly followed by gossip. Luckily Ian got rid of all the bystanders and assisted my mother to my room before standing watch outside. She looked absolutely furious.

"What happened?" were her first words, not 'are you okay?' or 'don't worry, Mommy's here' just immediately straight to business.

"I, uhm," I couldn't possibly tell her, she'd disown me.

"Melanie Annabelle Darlington! You will tell me what happened right this instance!" she commanded of me. I gulped and looked down, gripping the sheet in my free hand which had healed up the most of all my limbs.

"Mother, I... I," I couldn't help it, by just thinking of it my tears began to run freely again. That man, how dare he do this to me? He broke me, from the inside out and came back by emotionally manipulating me to commit self-harm. All of these injuries, they are because of me. Because of him. How long would they take to heal? How long will it be before I can dance again?

Mondo Pastello | girlxgirl | Completed♕Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu