Chapter 3: Worth A Shot

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Shit. They did it. Over night texts and morning pesters they did it. "Allison come on. Just give it a try." Alexis is in on it too!? "Okay and if the man says no?" They want me to sleep with him. Freedman. "Then things maybe awkward but you guys will get over it, he's probably been offered before." We laugh as I park my car in it's usual spot. "Okay, just. Shush and let's go." I get my crap and exit my car with my two friends. I have brown hair. They have blonde hair. We've always made jokes about it before. Maybe we should dye our hair? No.
Anyways...maybe they're right. It's tempting. Perhaps, I'm just scared? I sigh and open the door for my friends. "Thaaaank you!" Alexis skipped inside followed by Mindy. To our pleasure we run into Brooke. I want to hang her to a ceiling fan but her perfect hair. Fake smiles. Fake smiles Ali. And I'm on the floor. "Hey!" Alexis pushes Brooke away after I hit the floor. "Don't touch me!" Brooke scowls at her. "Then don't touch Ali with you back home man hands!" Brooke gasped and looked at her hands. "excuse me?" I stand and brush myself off. "Lexis it's fine." I tug her arm. "No it's not. Bitch needs to keep her hands to herself!" That earned Alexis a slap and then I lost my shit. I punched Brooke down and went to climb on top of her but I was grabbed by the waist and pulled away. I kicked around to get out of the hold I was in "calm down. Lets go. You girls get to class. Brooke go to the nurse." Freedman. Great. I growl and he puts me down and leads me to his room by his hand on my back.
I mumble and pout the whole way. We enter his class and he shuts the door behind him. "Can you tell me why the hell you hit that girl? Trying to get yourself suspended while you're failing." He did not just...this guy seriously needs to be hit. "Well if you would like to know, she started the whole thing by pushing me. Alexis told her not to touch me, she smacked Alexis and then I punched her." I said with the best bitch smile I could uphold. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Allison you can't get in trouble when you're struggling wit-" oh geez. "Okay, the only class I'm struggling in is yours! You're obviously just worried about yourself and how your students and teaching affects your reputation. Do you know what that's called? It's called being selfish!" Okay maybe that was a little too far but seriously doesn't anyone see it?
He was glaring down at me now. He takes a step towards me and I take a step back. "You should learn to not speak to your teachers like that." Oh God why can't I talk? Stop tummy! Stop hormones! "Well you should learn to not be selfish and actually care for your students well being and not your reputation." Another step forward and I'm against the wall. Cliche but seriously I didn't know the wall was that close. "I am worried that's why I'm trying to help you Ali." His voice was quiet and deep and he had lifted his hand softly. I thought he would place it on my waist or maybe my neck. But he put it back down. I was holding my breath. He was only one step away. What's going on!? "I-I don't need help. Don't you get that? Doesn't anybody?" I sound so little. I feel so little. He lifted his hand again and used his finger to lift my chin to look at him. "Ali." I took another breath in and jump when the bell went off. "I-I have to go." I pull away and run out.

Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!

I rush to the bathroom and hold my head in my hands. I could feel the heat radiating off my face. Okay deep breaths. Pretty sure your super amazing hot teacher just saved your ass and flirted with you and made you feel weird things in your body. Okay...class! You have class dummy. I hurry out of the bathroom and head to creative writing.
The whole class period I thought of that scene. My friends to notice of my silence and started smirking and making jokes. I rolled my eyes and laughed with them but kept it to myself. Now, I never thought I'd say this but. I never want second period Science to end. Because third period I have to face him. I felt sick. I know it'll be fine but...ugh. Bell goes off. I climb the stairs with my two friends. And I walk with Mindy to the other side of the building.
I felt heat in my cheeks and in my lower regions...down there..and my stomach was turning. "Okay, what is wrong with you?" Mindy jolted me out of my thoughts. I sigh. "I'm thinking about getting the help the man won't stop offering. I don't know when I'll find the time for it but I'll manage." She smirked. "Girl, what happened this morning?" I sigh and shake my head. "No nothing. He gave me a warning. But that aside, I need to get through this part of life without all this struggling so the help won't hurt." I explained the best I could. "Well, I think it's a great idea. Good luck." She spoke with a smile while we walked in. I was tense as I sat in my seat. He had glanced at me and I squirmed slightly. I think he smirked at that but I was more focused on not causing attention to myself and blocked myself away from the world. I barely looked up for the late bell.
I heard barely audible talking for about thirty minutes before a sheet of paper was set in front of me. Crap ...a test...and I wasn't consciously here for whatever this is. He looks down at me with a stare I can't make out emotionally and continues on. I look down and sigh. At least it's multiple choice.
After I finish this test I guessed at I lay my head down. I want to sleep forever. He takes up the papers and goes on with class. "Ms. Perez for the third time please will you explain this equation." There were snickers heard around the room. "N-no I can't." I mumble. He sighs and shakes his head. "I think I'll have a talk with you after class." He tilts his head slightly. "Sure." I stare out the window the rest of the class period. Images of him shoving and pinning my up against walls and desks flood my mind and I put my head in my hands. Stop hormones stop!
Mindy nudged me and spoke a quiet goodbye after the bell. The room was soon quiet with only two souls now present. I didn't get up. Mr. Freedman did. He walked up to my desk. "What are your plans for tonight?" I didn't look up. "I'm 16." He laughed lightly. "Not what I meant Allison." I sighed and packed my bag. "My night consists of food, homework, and Netflix." He put a hand on the book I was about to put away. "I'm glad to hear you actually do your homework." That was insulting. "Fuck you..." I mumble. "Excuse me?" Shit. Okay maybe I can play this off. "If I fuck you will you pass me?" Oh my God. He sighs. "What?" I throw the rest of my books in my bag. "No. Nothing. I'll see you tomorrow Mr. Freedman." I practically do nothing but run out.

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