Chapter 1: Bad Grade?

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"Mom the water's boiling!" I shout from the kitchen to her bedroom. "Shit." I heard her mumble. I sigh and put my bowl in the sink. I hear her come in to finish making tea before passing back out. I roll my eyes with that thought in my head and go to my room. "Fuck math. And fuck Freedman." Literally. I can't afford to fail anymore. I'm determined to have a better life than my parents. Ever since last year, I've been dead set on succeeding in high school. I lay, sprawled across my bed, staring at the forty I made on Freedman's last quiz. The jerk throws a random one at as whether it's Monday or Friday. Or both.
I crumple up the half sheet of paper and throw it in the trash bin beside my bed. Even though it's early, my body finds sleep and I'm out like a light.

So yes, Mr. Freedman is unremarkably hot. Maybe hot is an understatement. That might be another reason I'm failing. It's hard to pay attention when you'd prefer to stare at the man's ass. He's caught me checking him out before. He also caught me talking to my friends saying he's too hot to be nice anyway. Earned me detention for that. But it was worth it. He just gave me an extra hour to stare at him.

I woke the next morning with my purring cat tickling my face with her whiskers. Silly Millie. I gently push her off and head for the shower. I do my best to get myself out of the sleepy zombie state and refresh myself. I choose a long maroon-colored dress shirt with a brown belt around it and black leggings. I don't usually wear make-up because I rub my face without thinking and I cry easily, God knows what will happen today. I let my untameable curly hair flow down to my waist and I throw my bag that's covered in happy pandas over my shoulder and leave in my little white Honda.
I'm not an only child, in fact, I have 8 other siblings. Except they've moved out or lived with another parent. My mom was still passed out from the previous nights drinking. So there was no one to greet me this morning...or any other morning after 8th-grade year. My mother's 4th husband left her, leaving me to take care of her. Now I love my mother. I don't love taking care of her like a child. Isn't it suppose to be me waking up hungover and crap? But it's whatever. I don't mind too much anymore.
Pulling into the school's parking lot I roll my windows up and park up front. Always ready to get the hell out of here. I grab my bag, slam my car door and pout the whole way to the school's front. I climb up the steps to the front door and run into a strawberry blonde girl, Brooke. Whom I hope gets hit by a train and drug into hell. I give her a fake smile because I'll admit I can be petty. She smiles back with the same fake bitch smile and walks past me. But of course, she must violently bump into my shoulder before continuing down the steps.
I roll my eyes and walk into the school. I catch up with a best friend of mine, Alexis. I tell her about the recent scene outside. "Bitch." She said before taking a bite out of the fake, cheap cereal the school sells. I nod in agreement.
Now I know you don't want to hear the boring details of classes and the rest of the crap I've been rambling about SO let's skip to 3rd period.


Alexis doesn't have the class with me but my other best friend, Mindy. Does. My partner in crime (Mindy) and I stroll in like we own the place. No, we don't. But, we think we do. We don't sit in the back nor the front but we do sit away from others. In the middle row, to the side. Freedman is at his desk going through his torture...I mean a lesson plan that we'll suffer through for the next ninety minutes. Not like we'll be paying attention to the lesson anyways. The man thinks we can't see that six-pack through his button-up.
Mindy and I laugh together, making jokes and admiring the man about to teach us something we won't remember tomorrow. The late bell rings and all was quiet. He stands and speaks "today, we'll review the Pythagorean Theorem and take a quiz at the end of class." This is what I mean. Tuesday morning and the ass is making us take a quiz. His words own a few groans and choice words from his class. He just flashes his teeth white smile and starts his lesson. I had the Pythagorean Theorem figured out in the 8th grade so I let my mind wander out the window beside me.
"Ms. Perez?" I heard a man clear his throat and I'm jolted from my ridiculous fantasy of making out with the man who took me away from the paradise I was in. "Y-yes?" I turn my head in his direction. He erases the board and I stare at his muscles going to work. I admire them until I realize the devilish thing they were doing. "What was the answer to the equation that was on the board?" Inside I'm cursing him and his future children. "How could I know if you've erased it?" I speak nonchalantly. He takes in a breath. "Well, Ms. Perez I figured you were paying attention to my lesson?" He turns to me. "Kinda hard to pay attention when your teacher is a mix of Boy Epic and Leonardo DiCaprio," I mutter. "Thank you for the flattering comment, I'll see you after class?" He smiled in a teacher-like way indicating I was in trouble. "Of course." I smile back and look back out the window, my chin rested on my hand.

The last fifteen minutes of the class passed by with the quiz and some more review. I continued to daydream and talk to Mindy while earning glares from Mr. Freedman. Yes, please. Glare at me with those sexy green eyes daddy. I giggle to myself and receive another glare. He got up to confront me I guessed but the bell rang. Saved by the bell. Thank you stupid lines.
The class flooded out of the room but I stayed. So did my amazing friend. Freedman looked up. "Ms. Vanhoy I don't recall requesting for you to stay as well." He set his papers down and looked at us. "Sorry sir, I was just leaving." Traitor. I already forgive her. She quickly exits and I'm stuck with my cold and sexy teacher. He stares at me indicating for me to give him my attention. "You understand you're failing this class right, Allison?" Great...deep conversation with teacher begins...Now. "yes sir I know..." Oh God please no, emotions. Please don't betray me and act like a moody teen giving up on life. "I just have...a lot going on." Traitor hormones!! I forgive you.."A lot as is staring at me instead of the board." And the heat in my cheeks explodes like fireworks. "No there was just a bug on your shirt and I was debating whether or not to tell you or let you find out yourself." I sound like a moron. "I see. Allison if you need help I have no problem helping you or getting you a tutor." Okay. No. I'm not about that life. "No! I don't need a tutor! I don't need help! I'm fine on my own. I practically aced that quiz." I love my thick skull and stubbornness. "You made a 30 on the quiz Ali." Fuck. Off. "Oh.." I sigh and put my books away. "I'm fine. Thank you for the offer and concern but I'm fine." I stand. So does he. "Allison. Stop being stubborn. You'll be here again next semester if you keep being so stubborn." I stomp to the door. "I don't need help!" I storm out of the room. I'm kind of short-tempered. Comes with anxiety. Yay.


Hi, I know it's a little boring at first. I'm just trying to open up the story with the important people you know. Main character. The best friends. The mom. And the crazy hot teacher. Hehe yeah. Thanks for checking out my book and I hope you stay. It gets good ;)

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