Chapter 6

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Beep Beep

My stupid alarm goes off. I groan and smack it. It turns off but only because it fell on the floor. Oops. I grab my glasses off my nightstand and put them on. I walk into my bathroom, brush my teeth and go to the bathroom before deciding I will shower tonight because I'm lazy and don't want to shower now. I then walk to my closet grab a grey sweatshirt that says 'HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED RETURNS' Harry Potter reference anyone? And black leggings.

 I then walk to my closet grab a grey sweatshirt that says 'HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED RETURNS' Harry Potter reference anyone? And black leggings

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I pull them on before slipping on my black converse and pulling my hair into a ponytail. I walk downstairs and grab a banana.

"SISSY!!" I hear a voice yell.

"Morning ,Butthead." I tell Andrew when he comes down the stairs. Oh did I forget to mention that I call Andrew butthead and Alex bugger? Well, I do.

"I eard a umor that you got a boyfriend wast night. Is this true?" He asks (Yes I know heard and rumor are spelled wrong. It is because he has a baby voice and can't pronounce them right.)

"Yeah." I say picking him up before throwing my banana peel in the trash.

"Bexie! It's time to go! Come on!" Dad yells from outside.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I yell back and put Andrew down.

"Bye, Butthead!"

"Bye, Sissy!" I walk outside and get into Dad's truck. We drive to school with the radio as the only thing keeping the car from silence. We get to school and I am immediately greeted by Alice and her minions who were glaring at me. Alice was wearing a light blue dress with a floral pattern that was extremely short in the front and long in the back. With it she had paired tan heels.

"What did I tell you about Jax?" She yells at me when she comes over.

"Uh.. to stay away from him." I say matter-of-factly.

"And why didn't you?"

"Because I don't listen to you." I tell her and with that, I walk to my locker. I start to grab my things for first period when two hands slam down on the lockers next to mine.

"Morning, beautiful." I hear a voice that I know is Jax says in my ear.

"Morning." I chirp.

"So, do I get that kiss today?" He asks hopefully.

"No." I say.

"You're evil." He says.

"I know I've got to go to class." I say and kiss him on the cheek.

"EVIL!" He declares pointing his finger in the air making me giggle.


"Lil' Anderson! How's life treating ya?" Blake says after school when I walk to the football field to wait until practice is over.

"Well, I'm still alive so that's got to say something." I tell him and he chuckles.

"Cooper! Get your butt over here!" Dad says to Blake.

"Bye, Lil' Anderson."


"Bexie!" Dad says.

"What?" I ask.

"Come be assistant coach." He says.

"Come on Lil' Anderson!" The whole team yells.

"Fine!" I say putting my book down and walking down the bleachers.


"You know, for being undefeated you guys are really bad." I tell the team once practice is over.

"How?" Jax asks.

"You can't throw the ball halfway across the field." I say.

"Yeah it's like impossible." He says.

I sigh before saying "Give me the ball."

"Here." Andy Davidson says and tosses me the football. I catch the ball and walk to the edge of the field and throw the ball with all my strength.

"What the fu-" I cut Andy of before he can cuss.

"You better finish that sentence with fuzzy bunnies."


"How did you do that?" Blake asks.

"It all depends on your stance." I say.

"And what stance would that be exactly?" He asks.

"You have to have your feet like this and then use all your strength when you throw." I say and show them what position to have their feet at.

"Ok, Bexley. I think you need to join the team." Dad says. "Who agrees?" All the boys raise their hands.

"Please Bex!" Jax says using the ever so annoying nickname he has for me.

"Yeah ok." I say and they all cheer.

"Well, we have a game tomorrow so be at the field after school." Dad says and I nod.

Hey! I know it's kinda short. Sorry 😐.
But did you like it? I thought the Jex moment was pretty cute. Love them.

See ya suckers!

Love ya!

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